Video – Cobourg Firefighters Training at Cobourg Harbour

In Local, Photo Gallery

Members of the Cobourg Fire Department spent Sunday evening practicing ice water rescue at the boat launch in Cobourg Harbour.

Every year firefighters practice techniques used for ice water rescues.

On Sunday, January 12, 2025, firefighters were training at the boat launch with a number of firefighters wearing cold water immersion suits.

Firefighters were able to walk on the ice by the boat launch, but at one point fell through.

Wearing the cold water immersion suits and using a rapid deployment craft (RDC) firefighters trained on safely removing a victim from the water.

Safety is the number one priority, with every firefighter on the water being tied off by rope being held by a line-tender (firefighter) on shore.

With only five-metres from the boat launch firefighters discovered the water was over two-metres deep.

Earlier in the day two youths walked out to the lighthouse on the east pier.

With signs stating that there was no trespassing, the two youths walked onto the snow and ice covered pier.

A short time later they safely made it back.

It is illegal to walk out to the lighthouse and people could be charged with trespassing.

More importantly, this time of year it is very dangerous.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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