Police Services Share 2024 Statistics on Enforcement Initiatives Aimed at the Towing Industry in the GTA

In Provincial

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Provincial Auto Theft and Towing (PATT) Team and Greater Toronto Area (GTA) policing partners, including the Toronto Police Service (TPS), York Regional Police (YRP), Peel Regional Police (PRP), Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) and Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS), continue to provide education and enforce regulations that apply to tow operators. With an intelligence-led approach, policing partners are diligently working together to address criminality in the towing industry to identify, disrupt and dismantle organized crime groups violating regulations and exploiting other tow operators.

Police are aware of ongoing criminality and violence committed by a small percentage of bad actors within the towing industry, and endeavour to lead proactive and intelligence-led investigations to identify those involved and lay charges. Most tow companies and operators are not involved in organized crime or criminal activities and follow regulations under the Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act (TSSEA).

In 2024, law enforcement took proactive measures to ensure legitimacy within the Ontario towing industry, such as enforcement activities, removing illegitimate tow companies, trucks and operators from the road and laying TSSEA charges. The OPP Provincial Tow Program has aimed to improve public safety and help mitigate criminality in Ontario’s towing industry. In order to be an approved Towing and Storage Service Operator (TSSO), a tow operator or tow company must meet certain requirements, including a criminal record check, and certification through the Ministry of Transportation Ontario.


  • OPP laid 518 tow-related charges and removed 41 tow trucks fr om Ontario roads due to violations. OPP Highway Safety Division completed seven proactive commercial motor vehicle (CMV) enforcement initiatives focused on tow inspections, and 30 other CMV enforcement initiatives where tow trucks were subject to inspection.
  • TPS continues to crack down on tow truck-related shootings through their Tow Truck Task Force. A total of 507 tow-related charges were laid by TPS under the Highway Traffic Act and TSSEA and three tow trucks were removed from the road.
  • DRPS took proactive measures, including a CMV safety initiative, to ensure compliance with safety regulations where 170 tow trucks were inspected, 69 tow-related charges were laid, and 22 tow trucks were removed from the road for safety violations.
  • PRP Road Safety Services has conducted inspection and enforcement activities as part of an ongoing initiative since August 2024. To date, two arrests were made under the Criminal Code, 234 tow-related charges laid, 79 inspected tow trucks were found to be non-compliant, and nine tow trucks were removed from the road.
  • YRP conducted multiple initiatives aimed at reducing tow-related violence and hosted a training symposium for frontline officers from across the GTA to educate them on the new TSSEA. These initiatives led to 176 tow truck inspections across the region and as a result, 47 tow-related charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act and TSSEA.

Anyone with information about criminality in the towing industry is encouraged to contact their police service of jurisdiction. If you feel intimidated or threatened by anyone in the towing industry, do not engage, keep distance and contact police. If the OPP is your police of jurisdiction, call 1-888-310-1122 or 9-1-1 in an emergency. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Concerns and complaints regarding tow operators can be filed through the MTO’s website.


The OPP and its partners want to remind the public that they have the right to decide who can tow their vehicle and to what location. Please visit opp.ca/towing to find more information and understand your towing rights.


“The OPP and our partners understand the complex issues associated to criminality within the towing industry including acts of viole nce and harassment. We recognize that the vast majority of tow operators are following regulations and conducting business in a legitimate manner. We will continue to lead proactive investigations and enforcement initiatives to remove these illegitimate tow trucks and their operators from Ontario roadways.”- OPP Deputy Commissioner Marty Kearns, Investigations and Organized Crime

“Gun violence tied to the tow truck industry continues to be a serious issue, with 60 tow-truck related shootings this year, accounting for 14 per cent of all shooting incidents in Toronto. We are addressing tow truck-related crimes through a service-wide approach, while keeping in mind that this violence stems from a small segment of the industry involved in territorial disputes. Project Beacon, led by the Tow Truck Task Force, highlights the impact of coordinated efforts with our law enforcement partners, resulting in six arrests and 184 charges laid in connection with a homicide and tow-truc k related shootings. This is not a challenge we can tackle alone, and we will continue working closely with our partners to combat these crimes and make our communities safer.” – TPS Staff Superintendent Joe Matthews of Detective Operations

“Durham Regional Police Service is deeply concerned by the significant rise in crimes linked to the tow truck industry. In the past year, we have observed a troubling 57 per cent increase in criminal incidents believed to be connected to towing operations. We initiated Project Adriana in the spring of 2024 in response to the rapid increase in violent tow truck-related incidents. This resulted in nine arrests and 69 charges, including charges relating to firearms and arson. Investigators have determined that approximately 30 per cent of firearm discharges in Durham Region are related to conflicts within the tow truck industry. These crimes are having a profound impact on our community, with many shootings occurring in residential area s while people are at home, asleep. Our residents deserve to feel safe in their own homes. In 2023, there was only one firearm discharge, but as of this year, there have already been 11 firearm discharges and one shooting. DRPS would like to assure the public that we will continue to investigate these violent incidents and take a zero-tolerance approach to any type of violence in our communities.” – DRPS Acting Deputy Glenn Courneyea, Serious and Organized Crime

“York Regional Police remains committed to addressing the violent trends associated with the tow truck industry. While the majority of tow truck operators within our region operate legitimately, a small number continue to incorporate a criminal element as part of their practices. It is this level of criminality that concerns our residents, who have a right to live in our communities without fear. Through a collaborative approach with our fellow law enforcement agencies, we will continue to investigate these violent acts and ensure those responsible are held accountable.” – YRP Superintendent Ryan Hogan, Organized Crime and Intelligence Services

“Peel Regional Police Road Safety Services is dedicated to addressing community concerns related to various aspects of the tow industry. Our ongoing efforts will continue to identify those in the business who are not compliant with legislation and hold them accountable for putting our community at risk. On behalf of Peel Regional Police, I want to thank the responsible industry representatives, and I want to commend our officers for their commitment to keep our community safe.” – PRP Deputy Chief Marc Andrews, Community Policing Operations

“The Halton Regional Police Service is proud to partner with the OPP and our fellow law enforcement agencies to proactively address this emerging industry and public safety issue. By sharing intelligence and participating in joint enforcement initiatives like the ones outlined here, we can and will identify those responsible for serious vehicle crimes and violence within the towing industry in our communities and hold them accountable.” – HRPS Superintendent Dave Stewart, Regional Investigative Services

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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