Northumberland County Public Meeting to Review Natural Heritage System Updates

In Upcoming Events

To align with recent changes in Provincial planning direction, Northumberland County is proposing updates to the Natural Heritage System (NHS) amendment to the County’s Official Plan. These changes will be presented for review and feedback at a public meeting on December 4, 2024.

Originally adopted by County Council in December 2021, Northumberland’s Natural Heritage System amendment was developed to align with provincial legislation to preserve and enhance significant natural features and areas across the County such as wetlands, woodlands and watercourses.

On October 20, 2024, the new ‘Provincial Planning Statement, 2024’ came into effect by the Province of Ontario. As a result, the County is proposing changes to its Natural Heritage System amendment to ensure it continues to align with Provincial direction for land use planning.

Project Background
The NHS was developed as the first amendment in the ‘Northumberland Next’ initiative, which involves a series of amendments to the County’s Official Plan to guide community growth and development in Northumberland over the next 30 years.

The development of Northumberland’s NHS included multiple rounds of consultation, conducted between 2018 to 2021, to gather feedback on natural features to be included and preferred options for mapping. In July 2020, County Council endorsed an ‘Enhanced NHS’ as the preferred option for Northumberland. Council adopted recommendations for mapping and policy changes to the Official Plan in alignment with this approach in December 2021.

Proposed updates to the NHS
Last month’s changes to Provincial planning direction have prompted the need to update Northumberland County’s Natural Heritage System amendment. As part of these changes, the Province repealed the Greater Golden Horseshoe “GGH” Growth Plan, which was originally incorporated into the Northumberland NHS. Updates will need to be made to remove designations and policies related to the Growth Plan from the Northumberland NHS.

While some areas that were originally incorporated as ‘GGH Growth Plan Areas’ in the NHS will need to be re-designated, these areas are proposed to remain part of the Northumberland NHS. The proposed updates recommend the spatial area remains the same as originally proposed in the NHS previously adopted by County Council in 2021. However, changes to these designations may affect requirements related to the location where development and site alteration can be permitted in these areas, and under what conditions.

A summary of the proposed changes, as well as updated mapping and the full revised amendment is available for review on Join In Northumberland – the County’s online public consultation portal.

These documents and supporting information will also be presented at an upcoming public meeting during the December 4th Economic Development, Tourism and Land Use Planning Committee Meeting for review and feedback.

Community members are invited to share their feedback with the project team by email at by December 21, 2024.

Public Meeting Details
This public meeting will take place during Northumberland County’s Economic Development, Tourism & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting.

Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

Details: This meeting will be held using a hybrid meeting model:

· Attend in person: Council Chambers, 555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg

· Watch the live stream:

· Join Online: Zoom.US/Join

· Zoom Meeting ID: 844 4382 8239

· Zoom Meeting Passcode: 690337

· Join the Zoom meeting by phone (toll-free): 855-703-8985

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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