Northumberland OPP – Focus on Fraud Prevention During Crime Week 2024

In Local, Police Blotter

Crime Prevention Week 2024 – Awareness in Action: Keeping Ontario Safe, gives us the opportunity to share more about the great initiatives the Ontario Provincial Police & our police partners have undertaken to help prevent crime.

On Friday, November 8th, 2024, ‘Fraud Awareness’ is being highlighted. To support this initiative, the Northumberland OPP Community Safety Officer (CSO) and Auxiliary members regularly deliver presentations tailored for senior adults. These presentations are typically conducted at the request of partners such as PROBUS, Community Care Northumberland, Inclusion Northumberland, and various independent religious and community organizations.

The ‘The Little Black Book of Scams’ from the Competition Bureau of Canada is a staple amongst the various anti-fraud and scam pamphlets available at each presentation. Our partners at Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario have also provided valuable resources as attendees leave with additional information on protecting each other from scams and cyber security tips.

Resources mentioned about can found at the following links:

Home – Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario

The Little Black Book of Scams

To keep things interesting, the CSO has recently implemented ‘Tip of The Day’ which varies from “if it’s important enough, let them leave a voicemail” to physical productions of Radio-frequency identification (RFID) blocking cards and faraday wallets.

Throughout the year, the media officer will issue media releases on emerging or recurring frauds and scams which have been targeting individuals in our communities. Local radio stations regularly have an officer in the studio to talk about current events and assist in getting the message out there about suspicious offers originating from door knocks and phone calls to texts and emails.

The message of ‘If it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true’ has been mentioned on many occasions from everyday conversations with the public to being heard on the radio and echoed by not only listeners but presentation attendees. All with intention of spreading awareness about fraud and the many mediums and methods used to commit this crime.

If you believe a Seniors Fraud/Scams presentation would benefit members of your community or groups, please contact the Northumberland Detachment at 905-372-5421.

The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) would like to share an excellent Fraud Prevention Month video created by our colleagues at Seniors in Canada (HRSDC).

Fighting fraud is a collaborative effort. Let’s help spread the messaging by sharing their Facebook video:

Please click on the following links:



The CAFC Team

Fraud: Recognize. Reject. Report.


• Learn more tips and tricks for protecting yourself

If you suspect you have been the victim of cybercrime or fraud report it to your local police and to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre’s online reporting system or by phone at 1-888-495-8501. If not a victim, report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre anyway so that CSO’s across the province, have more information to provide you and increase fraud awareness.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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