Belleville Police – Incidents Include Mischief and Stolen Property, Theft Over $5,000 (Names Released)

In Police Blotter

Total calls for service – Belleville Police responded to 103 calls for service over a 24-hour period beginning at 5:00 am on September 4, 2024 to 5:00 am on September 5, 2024.

Mischief and stolen property
On the 4th of September at 9:57am, Belleville Police attended a business on Church St. after receiving a complaint of on-going mischief. The complainant advised police that despite requests to stop, the suspect continues to throw garbage onto the business property and now the male is refusing to leave. Police spoke to the suspect and while doing so discovered that the bicycle in his possession had been reported stolen from Montreal. As a result of the investigation, police arrested and charged a 51-year-old male of no fixed address with two counts of mischief and one count of possession of stolen property. He was held for a bail hearing.

Theft over $5000 and possession of stolen property
On the 4th of September at 10:52pm, Belleville Police were contacted by CN Police requesting assistance with a suspicious vehicle observed on their property in the area of Airport Parkway and College St. East. Upon their arrival, Belleville Police observed two vehicles departing the property. Police stopped both vehicles. Both vehicles were found to be loaded with thousands of dollars worth of stolen metal. Following their investigation, officers arrested and charged four males with theft over $5000 and possession of stolen property. The following four persons were charged:
· Lajos Lakatos, 46-years-old of Toronto
· Andras Adam, 47-years-old of Scarborough
· Lajos Kalocsi, 24-years-old of Scarborough
· Enro Turo, 52-years-old of Toronto

Turo was additionally charged under the Highway Traffic Act with driving under suspension, use plates not authorized x2, no currently validated permit, operate overweight motor vehicle and drive motor vehicle with no insurance contrary to the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act.
All four men were released on an Undertaking with court dates in October.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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