Video – Miracle Child Finally Home in Grafton

In Editor Choice, Local

After spending nearly two months at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto a Grafton child is finally home.

Nine-year-old Cali Jones was taken to hospital on March 8, 2024.

Parents, Trevor and Caitlin along with their five children never knew what was ahead of them.

Cali had been sick for a few days previously, but like any family, children get sick.

No one knew that Cali would be sedated for weeks, was unrecognizable with the tubes coming out of the child.

Within hours of arriving at Sick Kids, Cali had an bacterial infection called Strep A.

It was something the family never had heard of, but quickly learned each day as they met with a team of doctors on what to expect, and bluntly put – if their child would survive.

At one point early on, Cali’s went into cardiac arrest and her heart stopped for two-minutes.

The child was fighting multiple infections in her body.

Slowly thanks to the determination of a little girl, her will to fight and the amazing team at Sick Kids, Cali was released on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 and is resting back home in Grafon.

Cali’s mother spent most of the time at Sick Kids with her daughter, while Trevor tried to hold down the fort at home with the other children.

Today’s Northumberland got the chance on Wednesday to meet the little girl who has captured the heart of her community.

Resting in her bed, and playing games, she’s clearly happy to be home.

The family has specialized equipment in the house to help with her recovering including learning how to walk again.

Cali showed Today’s Northumberland how well she’s done with getting out of her bed and walking a few steps wearing boots similar to ski boots that help her walk until she gets stronger. Then once again getting back into bed. She proudly said it was the first time she had got back into her bed without any help.

They may be little steps, but they are huge milestones.

Trevor said, “two weeks ago, she couldn’t do any of this.”

With Cali and dad sitting on the bed together, it’s hard for Trevor to hold back the tears looking at his daughter.

“She’s home, she’s happy. Still have a ways to go, working on the walking and moving around.”

Cali is learning how to do things every child would take for granted. But for what she’s been through Trevor said, “she’s trying to be as independent as she can.”

Thinking over the past two months, Trevor said, “it’s been absolute hell – but we made it through.”

Before Cali was sick, she was so much looking forward to her ninth birthday.

The parents said Cali will have her birthday celebration. In fact, they are looking forward to having something at the Grafton Legion for anyone who wanted to see Cali..

So many people including family, friends and strangers who have followed Trevor’s Facebook posts about their daughters journey.

Both parents are so grateful for the community where they live, their family, the staff at Northumberland Hills Hospital, the crew of ORNGE air ambulance and staff at Sick Kids Hospital.

With tears in his eyes, looking at his beautiful daughter sitting beside him on her bed he said, “we made it from passing away for two minutes to being back here (Grafton) and going again.”

The family feels blessed just to have their child home and alive.


Editors Note: Today’s Northumberland has spoke with Trevor all through Cali’s difficult journey. It has just been by chance that we’ve spoken with Trevor. But Cali’s mom, Caitlin has been the strongest one of the family and by Cali’s side all along. The couple have six children and with a big family like that, it must be hard to have everyone together. We look forward to meeting the entire family, especially Caitlin at the Grafton Legion.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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