Editorial – It’s Time for Police To Do What’s Right and Start Charging The Bad Guys

In Editorial

It would be nice to know the exact date when the justice system including the police cared more about the perps then the victims of crime.

But it’s about time it stopped.

This latest bit of comedy comes from incidents in Cobourg when a few little scamps were running around in Cobourg’s west end playing a harmless game of “nicky nicky nine doors.”
Or was it that harmless?

It was important enough for Cobourg Police to issue a release recently.

The release stated police wanted the public to be aware of mischief reports involving residential doors being “kicked in causing damage.”

There were three different calls in the west end of Cobourg.

One residence was targeted twice.

The youths kicked the front doors open then ran away.

Each time there was property damage.

At the time police believed the incidents may have been linked to a “kick door challenge” on TikTok where youths record and post breaking down a home door with their hands or feet and running away.

In the understatement of the year, police said, “this activity is aggressive and distressing for unsuspecting homeowners.”

Terrifying might be a better word.

How could anyone ever feel safe in their home after something like that happening.

On the opposite side, what if you kicked in the wrong door and someone retaliated. Could they be at risk of being charged? Who knows what these days.

But now it appears the two youths have been caught.- but not charged.

Nothing has been said from Cobourg Police – but that isn’t uncommon.

The two have been redirected to a program that might well be suitable for them.

It’s a great program.

But there is something wrong with whoever decided not to prosecute these individuals. Whether it be the police or the prosecutor, someone needs to remind them about the victims of crime.

These two youths kicked in doors causing thousands of dollars in damages and scared the hell out of people. It wasn’t a one-off. They did it numerous times.

The ages aren’t known, but if you’re old enough to kick in a front door – more than once, you’re old enough to know right from wrong.

When someone kicks on a door it causes thousands of dollars damage – it is no longer a prank. It’s a crime.

Could they have been charged with break and enter?

Police (specifically Cobourg in this case) need to start caring more about the victims and less about the person or persons who committed the crime.

It’s time to lay the cards on the table and tell it like it is. The scales of justice have been going south and the public who obeys and respects the laws that police are sworn to protect need a win on their side.

In my younger days if something like that happened and your parents found out about it, you wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week and you would have the fear of God put into you as you stood before a judge wearing a suit.

The biggest problems these days is no one is accountable.

This is a case of more good law abiding citizens becoming victims who have lost faith in the justice system that is sinking faster than the Titanic.

It’s another win for people who will never face justice.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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