Town of Cobourg Christmas Tree Collection to Begin January 8th

In City Hall

The Town of Cobourg’s Public Works Division would like to advise residents of this year’s Christmas tree pickup schedule and to also remind residents of snow clearing safety rules.

Christmas Tree Pickup Schedule
Christmas tree collection is planned, weather permitting, for the week of January 8, 2024.

Residents are asked to place trees curbside by 8am on Monday, January 8, 2024.

Christmas trees are composted and mulched and used internally by Town divisions. Wood chips are used around newly planted trees, on street and parking lot gardens and along the
dog park pathways. The wood chips are not available to the public.

The following items must be removed from trees before they placed at the curb.

• Do not wrap your tree in plastic.

• Remove all metal, ornaments, tree stands, tinsel and other decorations.

• Trees should be clear of snow and ice and easily accessible for collection.

Please place trees with trunk facing the curb for easy collection.


Snow Clearing Safety Rules
The Town of Cobourg would also like to remind residents of the following snow clearing safety rules to ensure the community remains safe and Town snow clearing vehicles can safely

• Keep the sidewalk in front of your home clear of snow and ice within 24 hours of a snowfall.

• Do not plow or shovel snow onto any roadway as per the Highway Traffic Act.

• Be safe around snowplows by leaving space when driving.

• Keep your gas meter clear from snow and ice.

• Do not shovel or blow snow onto or around fire hydrants.

• Clear snow and ice from fire escapes, exit doors and other emergency exit points.

• Clear exhaust vents from snow drifts and or ice build up to prevent Carbon Monoxide Buildup.

• Place garbage and recycling where it can be clearly seen and safely collected.

• During heavy snow and extreme weather events, keep vehicles off the road to ensure that snowplows and salt trucks can access all areas safely and efficiently.

• Do not park on the street overnight. Vehicles will be fined or towed

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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