Transition House Hires New Executive Director

In Local

The Board of Transition House Shelter is pleased to announce Ike Nwibe as the successful candidate in the recruitment process to fill the role of Executive Director. Mr. Nwibe will begin in his role with Transition House as of December 11, 2023.

With 10 years of shelter administration and social service experience, Mr. Nwibe is an experienced leader with in-depth understanding of the sheltering system and governing policies. He is a community collaborator who advocates for the individuals he serves by building trusting relationships.

“I am excited to join the team at Transition House, I believe offering safe shelter to individuals experiencing homelessness is a critical service in today’s society,” says Mr. Nwibe. “I look forward to working with the staff at Transition House and developing strong community partnerships. This will aid in the delivery of our core service, strengthening the supports in place for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.”

Prior to accepting this role, Mr. Nwibe served as Senior Manager at Fred Victor 24 Hour Women’s Drop-In in the City of Toronto.

In addition to his experience in the sheltering system, Mr. Nwibe is engaged in community involvement through the service on boards such as the Parkdale Neighborhood Land Trust and membership of the 2SLGBTQ+ Out and Out Club Toronto. He has education in local economic development, western heritage and human resources.

“The addition of Mr. Nwibe as Executive Director is an encouraging next step for Transition House as we continue the stabilization of the organization,” says Rev. Neil Ellis Board Chair at Transition House. “Mr. Nwibe brings extensive experience in the sheltering system and under his leadership Transition House will be well positioned to continue serving Northumberland. The board would like to extend its thanks and appreciation to staff for their tireless efforts while the Executive Director position was vacant. The Board looks forward to welcoming Mr. Nwibe to the community and working with him and staff.”

For more information about Transition House Shelter, visit

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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