All It Takes Is One Person To Make A Difference Cleaning Up Garbage

In Editor Choice, Local

Cobourg resident Lorna Dickson is doing her part to keep Ontario beautiful.

Like other unsung environmental heroes, Dickson was out on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 cleaning up an off-ramp of Highway 401 at Wesleyville.

Dickson got off work, and instead of going home to Cobourg, she made her way to the eastbound off-ramp to do her part.

Tuesday marked the fourth annual Provincial Day of Action on Litter that was designed to educate and build awareness on the impacts of litter in the environment and to encourage all Ontarians to pick up any litter they encounter in public places, including parks, and around lakes and rivers.

Dickson not only comes after work or when she has spare time to clean up the off and on-ramps of the highway at Wesleyville but does other areas as well.

After doing it for a number of years, she said, “I like to think I’m doing something for the environment.”

But she also adds, “I wish we could educate people and not throw it out. If we don’t get out there and clean up some of the messes – what it does to our earth, our animals – it effects us all.”

Dickson said she knows many people that do clean-up throughout the year.

“Not only for Earth Day, but they go out regularly, or if they go out for a walk, they take a bag with them – it makes a big, big difference.”

After cleaning up the ramps for several years, Dickson said, “it’s very frustrating.”

“After being here last year and coming back and seeing the mess it’s in, in that short of time – it is frustrating to think that people that should know better, don’t know better.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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