Letter to the Editor: Using Rain Barrels As Part of Green Stormwater Management

In Letter to Editor

Dear Editor,

Re: April items for Cobourg Council: Planting Trees and Using rain barrels as part of Green Stormwater Management, Transparency

This Earth week, month, is a great time to look at green stormwater management which is basically shaping our land to keep water where we want it, to both prevent flooding and to keep precious water available for times of drought.  Most towns and cities along Lake Ontario are on flood plains.

Cobourg Council is implementing stormwater fees this year based on size of property which does not correlate with how much stormwater runs off. However, Cobourg Council can encourage us as residents to implement strategies for green stormwater management. Council can start by giving  stormwater rebates for planting trees which absorb rainwater and for using rainbarrels which divert stormwater runoff and save water for watering plants.

Currently, this stormwater management fee has been changed from property taxes to Lakefront Utilities bills. Cobourg needs to put this stormwater fee back on property tax for both transparency and for each resident to get the best break on income tax. Did you know that April, income tax month, our property tax calculation is needed for the Trillium Benefit?

By hiding fees on Lakefront,  we lose this part of the tax benefit.

Cobourg Council get on green stormwater rebates and transparency putting the stormwater fees where they belong: on property taxes. Meanwhile, Cobourg residents encourage Council to get on these 2 points. Enjoy planting trees and using your rain barrels.


Terry Marrocco

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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