Life and Living at End-of-Life is November PACE talk

In Upcoming Events

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
The Northumberland PACE Talk series continues its 2022-2023 season with a talk exploring Life and Living At End-of-Life on Nov. 17, led by Dr. Francesco Mule on Zoom at 5:30 p.m.

Serving as patient-service lead for palliative care at Northumberland Hills Hospital for more than five years, Dr. Mule has experiencing helping local patients and their families navigate end-of-life care. This experience will inform his PACE talk to help attendees reflect on the inevitability of this stage of life.

As always, a portion of the presentation will involve questions from the audience, which can be pre-submitted at prior to Nov. 16.

Since 2018, Northumberland PACE Talks have been hosted as free public-education sessions on a broad range of health and wellness topics. They have consistently drawn large groups of community members with a variety of questions and perspectives. The format of alternating in-person events between Cobourg and Port Hope venues changed to a new virtual format as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The series began when Dr. Mukesh Bhargava noticed that many of his patients were asking him the same kinds of questions. He came up with the idea of educational sessions he called PACE (which stands for Personalized Assessment and Change). These TED Talks-inspired sessions are offered through the contributions of a long list of partners at the planning table. The newest party to become involved is the Ontario Health Team-Northumberland, joining such agencies as NHH, the Northumberland Family Health Team, the Community Health Centres of Northumberland and IM Care internal-medicine specialists.

Each one-hour PACE event consists of a 30-minute talk, a 20-minute question-and-answer period with the guest speaker, and a short moderator summary.

Bring your questions, your suggestions and your experience on Nov, 17, and join what is expected to be another informative discussion on a topic chosen by previous PACE attendees.

Pre-registration is required, and space is limited to the first 300 registered attendees to sign up at – where you’ll also find video and highlights from some talks offered in previous seasons. Each registrant will be asked to log on five minutes prior to the start of the session.

For those unable to attend, efforts will be made to share a recording of this conversation following the event, technology permitting.

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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