Coyotes Spotted Regularly in Cobourg’s East End

In Local

At least two coyotes have been spotted in the area of Cobourg Collegiate Institute and C.R. Gummow school over the last few weeks.

Numerous photos posted on social media show the coyotes on area roadways in the area of Cottesmore Avenue, King Street and on Abbott Blvd.

On Wednesday, September 28, 2022, Today’s Northumberland drove around the areas where they’ve been spotted and it only took a few minutes to spot one of the coyotes on Acadia Drive and on Coronation Crescent around the time both schools were let out in the afternoon.

Today’s Northumberland reached out to Town of Cobourg Manager of Bylaw Enforcement and Licensing Kevin Feagan who stated, “the safety and well-being of the Town’s residents and household pets is a top priority. Generally, coyote concerns and associated response efforts incorporate public safety, education, environmental impacts, and enforcement to promote safe communities for people and their household pets and to foster a safe coexistence with coyotes. Coyotes serve an important role in ecosystems by helping to control the population of rodents, rabbits and other urban mammals. Effective solutions for coyote conflicts typically address both problematic coyote behaviours (such as aggression toward people and household pets) and problematic human behaviours (intentionally or unintentionally feeding coyotes and leaving household pets outside unattended or permitting them to run at large in a public space) that contributes to conflicts, incidents and bites to people and pets.  When an individual feels their safety is imminently threatened, they should call 911/Police. Officers have the authority and ability to lethally remove an animal if they feel it is necessary to ensure public safety or if there is an injured/ill animal that is incapacitated or suffering, but will not do so for an animal displaying normal, non-aggressive behaviour.”

“In addition, the Town of Cobourg is working on a public education campaign that will provide information on what to do if you encounter a Coyote. Information will include tips on how to prevent Coyotes from visiting your yard and information on why Coyotes might be frequenting the area. This information can be found on the Animal Services page of our municipal website and will be shared in the coming weeks on Social Media.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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