Peterborough County OPP – Ashes Returned to Family

In Police Blotter

On June 25, 2017 a small box containing what appears to be the cremated ashes of a deceased person was turned in to the Peterborough County OPP detachment. The box was found inside a storage container that was located near Stoney Lake in Douro-Dummer Township. The paperwork contained within the box indicates the deceased to be a Samuel WILSON with a date of birth of March 17, 1941 from Rainsville, Alabama.

Investigator s have been attempting to locate a family member with a connection to these remains and are now seeking the assistance of the public. Anyone with information regarding this occurrence is asked to contact PC Rich Nie of the Peterborough County OPP at 705-742-0401.


Local Genetic Genealogist/Family History Researcher Shelagh Neck ( contacted the Peterborough County OPP Detachment and offered to assist with locating Samuel WILSON’S next of kin. With the assistance of Neck and the New Market (Tennessee) Police Department, the widow of Samuel was located. The family’s wishes regarding Samuel’s remains were completed with the assistance of the Peterborough County OPP.

To serve our province by protecting its citizens, upholding the law and preserving public safety.

Peterborough County OPP values your contribution to building safe communities. If you have infor mation about suspected unlawful activity, please visit Crime Stoppers at: or call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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