NHH COVID Outbreak is Over

In Local

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
The Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit has declared the COVID-19 outbreak over in the Northumberland Hills Hospital Unit 2A Medical/Surgical Unit.

This means the resumption of regular visiting guidelines, unless a patient is in isolation for COVID infection or exposure – though exceptions will be made for COVID-positive patients on 2A at imminent end of life (in consultation with the NHH IPAC and health-care team).

“I’d like to thank all the NHH staff for their hard work, as well as patients and family members for their understanding and co-operation with the restrictions placed during the outbreak,” NHH physician IPAC lead Dr. Jude Obomighie said in the announcement.

“We will continue to remain vigilant to reduce the occurrences of COVID-19 outbreaks in our hospital to a minimum.”

NHH offered a summary of the infection-prevention and -control measures now in place.

Daily self-screening by staff for COVID-19 symptoms – All individuals entering the hospital for work must pre-screen for symptoms and refrain form entering the building or Community Mental Health office if symptoms do develop.

Mandatory use of appropriate PPE – This applies to all staff, physicians, midwives and essential caregivers and visitors, and the universal-masking policy remains in effect.

Cohorting of patients considered high-risk contacts – Any patients identified as having a high risk of exposure have been co-located into the same area, tested and cared for with appropriate precautions.

Mandatory vaccination of staff – All staff and physicians are required to be up to date with their vaccines (two doses). Booster vaccines continue to be distributed to further reduce the risk of infection and spread.

Strict adherence to thorough hand hygiene – This will continue to be reinforced.

Enhanced environmental cleaning – This will include a special focus on equipment shared among patient rooms.

Proactive communication – Public notices are continually updated across the NHH communication channels, including on doorways, to promote awareness of the presence of COVID-19 and the importance of vigilance with PPE.

As a high-risk setting, NHH retains its universal masking policy throughout the hospital and Community Mental Health office. Visitors continue to have access to free medical-grade masks upon entry, and they will be expected to keep them on at all times (or over top of their own personal cloth masks) while inside, unless eating or drinking in designated areas – no eating or drinking is permitted by visitors in patient rooms, as masks would have to be removed.

Mask dispensers have been added at public entrances to the hospital and mental-health office, to augment the support by NHH Auxiliary volunteers who have been invaluable in helping to distribute masks and remind incoming patients and visitors of the importance of PPE while inside the hospital.

Please see the hospital website for details on visiting guidelines and expectations, including virtual-visiting options and answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Updates on the hospital’s COVID-19 status will continue to be communicated through the hospital’s website and social-media channels. For information on community outbreaks, check the health unit website.

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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