Women in Business Networking Evenings Return on May 17th in Port Hope

In Upcoming Events

Avril Ewing is thrilled to announce the Women in Business Networking Evenings are set to return on May 17th at The Beamish in Port Hope with festivities set to kick off at 6pm.

“My goal has always been to bring amazing women together to celebrate their businesses, share their stories, and meet like-minded women they can relate to and learn from” says event organizer Officiant Avril Ewing “We kicked off 2020 with 2 incredible events and we were all set for our 3rd one when Covid hit and we had to postpone. Now we are back and ready to enjoy life again while we grow our businesses alongside other women in our community.”

The Women in Business Networking Evenings are community-based events open to women of any race, religion, ethnicity, medical and financial status, as well as women in the LGBTQ+ community. “I encourage women from all over to come and join in the fun. Our past events had attendees from all over Northumberland, Peterborough, Durham, and Toronto coming out to these events to make connections and meet new friends and associates”

The May 17th event will include everyone’s favourite networking game, prizes, appetizers, a cash bar, “And a few little surprises I am working on to make sure all the women who come have a super evening meeting each other and celebrating finally being able to gather again!”

“I have been working with Jessica of The Beamish to come up with a lovely menu of appetizers for every taste and dietary restriction so there will be something for everyone!”

Tickets are available until May 16th at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/women-in-business-networking-evening-tickets-318373332207 People are encouraged to visit https://www.facebook.com/AvrilEwingOfficiantCelebrant for more information or email Avril at ChaplainAvril@yahoo.com

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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