McHappy Day Will Support Local Health Care

In Upcoming Events

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland

Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation announces its latest community partner – a little organization with iconic golden arches.

The result is that the three West Northumberland McDonald’s restaurants have chosen the NHH Foundation as the local beneficiary of their annual McHappy Day fundraiser on May 11.

“We are truly honoured to have been chosen as the local recipient of McHappy Day this year,” Foundation Executive Director Rhonda Cunningham said in the announcement.

“The timing for this new partnership couldn’t be better, as we face significant capital costs ahead to help our hospital remain vibrant with the advanced technology and equipment required to care for our growing community.”

May 11 marks this year’s official McHappy Day – an annual day of community giving across Canada to support Ronald McDonald Houses and other local charities selected by individual franchises.

On this day, 10% of all product sales from McDonald’s restaurants in Cobourg and Port Hope will go to McHappy Day fundraising, to be divided up two ways. As the organization’s local charity of choice, the Foundation gets 75% of this amount, with the remaining 25% of funds raised supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities.

“Being a newer member of the NHH Foundation team, it’s been wonderful to see the support so many within our local business community have for our hospital, and partnerships like this really demonstrate the difference one organization can make,” Foundation Community Engagement and Events Specialist Megan Fluxgold commented.

“We’re thrilled to be working with McDonald’s and looking forward to helping welcome guests on May 11.”

This year marks the 28th McHappy Day for McDonald’s Canada, It’s the company’s longest-running and largest community charitable initiative, with more than 1,400 McDonald’s restaurants participating this year.

Lisa Wilson, owner and operator of McDonald’s restaurants in Cobourg and Port Hope, said the long-standing McHappy Day tradition “is at the heart of who we are and what we do at McDonald’s.

“We look forward to bringing our guests, our wonderful staff and our resilient community together as we thank and show our support for our community hospital through our McHappy Day fundraising for the Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation and Ronald McDonald House Charities this year.”

The three participating McDonald’s that will be supporting the NHH Foundation are at 175 Rose Glen Rd. in Port Hope, 805 William St. in Cobourg, and inside the Cobourg Walmart at 73 Strathy Rd.

While the key McHappy Day fundraising takes place May 11, these three restaurants will also be asking for donations and incorporating fundraising efforts throughout the month.
For more information on how you can support NHH, visit

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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