Municipality of Port Hope Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings – March 1, 2022

In City Hall

Below is a summary of key items discussed at the Municipality of Port Hope Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings held on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. The agendas and staff reports are available on the Agendas and Minutes page of our website. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was held electronically via video conference.

Council Meeting:
The following are highlights from the Council Meeting.


Mayor statement on Ukraine crisis

At the beginning of Council, Mayor Sanderson provided a statement regarding the crisis in Ukraine. For more, view the statement on our website.


Environmental Advisory Committee appointments

Council appointed six committee members to the new Environmental Advisory Committee for a term expiring December 31, 2023. The members include:

  1. June Barrette
  2. Janet Fishlock
  3. Mike Goldstein
  4. Penny Nutbrown
  5. Andrew Oussoren
  6. Wade Rowland

Wastewater treatment plant performance report

Council received the 2021 Annual Performance Reports for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Wastewater Collection System. These reports were prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Compliance Approvals for the Port Hope Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection System. These will now be submitted to the Peterborough District Office of the MECP.


Comprehensive Community Risk Assessment

Council received the new Comprehensive Community Risk Assessment (CRA) report as prepared by The Loomex Group. This report will aid Fire and Emergency Services in defining community risks and assist with the development of programs to mitigate and reduce fire loss in the community. The CRA will be used to further develop public education, inspection, and enforcement programs, and for pre-planning emergency response.


Dedicated Gas Tax funding

Council approved, by By-law, to enter into the letter of agreement to receive funds under the Provincial Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program for 2021/2022. The anticipated allocation will be used to reduce 2022 operating costs by $132,000 and the remaining $32,477 to be contributed to the reserve for the eventual replacement of transit vehicles.


Committee of the Whole:

The following are highlights from the Committee of the Whole Meeting.


Annual Local Board and Committee Reports

Staff provided a report for information, that includes the 2021 Local Board and Committee Annual Reports, as required by By-law 05/2021. This summary assists Council in better understanding the progress that Local Boards and Committees have made with respect to their mandates, and how Council can assist them in furthering their goals.


The Municipality of Port Hope encourages resident involvement through a variety of advisory committees and local boards to advise and make recommendations to Council and appreciates the dedication and commitment from the members.


2021 Council Expenditures

Staff provided a report that details Council and Committee member remuneration and expenses reported as required by Provincial Legislation. All the listed expenditures conform to Municipal Council Member Remuneration and Reimbursement Policy and procedures. This report was received as information.


Next steps for the OPG/Wesleyville purchase

Staff provided a report for information outlining next steps in the Wesleyville land acquisition. The Municipality of Port Hope has officially confirmed purchase of the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Wesleyville property and the closing date on the sale is March 31, 2022. The purchase of the property creates significant opportunity for the community. A thoughtful approach both in the short term and long term will best serve the community interests. It is expected that community consultation for future use will begin in 2023.


Town Park Recreation Centre expansion

Staff provided a report outlining the status and next steps of the TPRC expansion. Staff recommended:

  • The approval of the final project budge of $5,049,836.00
  • The creation of a by-law to award the building contract to Dalren Limited in the amount of $4,167,072.00 (net HST) with the project funds to be drawn from the approved capital budget and ICIP funding
  • The authorization of an additional $180,500 from the approved Council Initiatives Fund to finance additional amounts required
  • The approval of the development of a funding strategy as part of the 2023 budget preparation to address the remaining funding shortfall

The above will be presented to Council for their consideration at the next Council Meeting on April 5, 2022.


Parks, Recreation and Culture year in review

Staff provided a report outlining the highlights and notable achievements of the Parks, Recreation and Culture department in 2021, including:

  • Maintenance of 131.6 hectares of park land and 103 kms of trails
  • Installation of 18,000 festive lights and planting of 1,500 flowers
  • 16,958 participants joined virtual events with 68 event partnerships fostering collaboration and cooperation
  • 9 community members were named to the Port Hope Sports Wall of Honour
  • 147 youth obtained leadership certifications in aquatics

These, among many more notable achievements can be found on our website.


Minutes and video recordings

Meeting minutes will be available pending approval at the next Council meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at which point they will become the official record of the meeting.


Recordings of the March 1, 2022, Council and Committee of the Whole meetings will be available at

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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