Announcement by Government of Ontario Benefits Higher Education in Northumberland Peterborough-South

In Editorial

Letter to the Editor

The Government of Ontario has a plan to build a better province. We are getting shovels in the ground, constructing roads and bridges, and creating the conditions for good paying jobs throughout our province.

This plan is crucial for Ontario’s economic recovery, and we’re seeing great results already. Our latest fiscal update showed an improvement of $8.4 billion from earlier deficit forecasts. This, quite simply, is great news: Ontario can spend less money servicing debt, and can invest our savings right back into people and the economy for even better results.

We need to think seriously about our future. Ontario boasts incredible talent; in the fast-changing global economy, we need to build a resilient, flexible and strong workforce. With the right economic conditions, we can plan for prolonged economic growth that will benefit all Ontarians.

I’m proud to say that the Government of Ontario has a plan for this. We are investing in the future.

Every parent understands that there’s a direct link between the quality of local education their child recevies and their ability to do well as an adult.

That’s why I’m thrilled that your Government of Ontario is investing $583 million over three years. This funding will help ensure that Ontario’s colleges and universities are modern spaces of learning for students, faculty and staff, both virtually and on campuses.

And we’re not just giving money to big academic institutions in Toronto and Ottawa. We’re going to feel the benefits of this investment right here in rural Ontario. For example, Fleming College, which has their main campus in Peterborough and a presence in Northumberland, is set to receive $3.3 million. The University of Ontario Institute of Technology is also receiving $2.7 million.

This funding will support institutions as they modernize classrooms by upgrading technology, carrying out critical repairs, improving environmental sustainability and supporting virtual learning projects that increase access to postsecondary education for students.

This builds on the expansion of nursing seats, expansion of exepriental learning opportunities and the launch of over 600 Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) eligible microcredential courses. Think small focused courses to help you learn, while you earn. Stacking these courses gets you degrees and helps better your future.

Building on these post secondary investments, Premier Ford just recently also announced the largest single investment in K-12 public education in Ontario’s history. Per student funding will increase to $13,059 which is a $339 increase per child. Mental health is health and that is why over $90 million will be invested in mental health supports, representing a 420% increase since the Progressive Conservative Government first took office. What is especially unique, is the launch of the largest publicly funded tutoring program in Canadian history, happening right here in Ontario. This investment of $176 million will expand access to free publicly funded tutoring in small groups after school, during shool, on weekends and over the summer – giving flexibility to what works best for you. This is staggering.

This investment is great news for everyone in Northumberland Peterborough-South. We’re not just going to feel the affects of this for the next five years, but for the next fifty. We’re building a better Ontario and equipping our next generation to succeed.

David Piccini

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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