Municipality of Port Hope Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings – December 7, 2021

In City Hall

Below is a summary of key items discussed at the Municipality of Port Hope Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. The agendas and staff reports are available on the Agendas and Minutes page of our website. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was held electronically via video conference.

Council Meeting:
The following are highlights from the Council Meeting.

Council meetings will continue virtually until further notice

Council decided to maintain the current virtual meeting arrangement for all Council, Committee of the Whole, and Public Meetings under the Planning Act until such a date that alternative direction is provided by Council.

Alternative voting method for the 2022 Municipal Elections

Council authorized, by By-law, the use of alternative voting methods for the 2022 Municipal Election that do not require electors to attend a voting location to vote. Internet and telephone methods will be used again as they were in both 2014 and 2018 and will allow for significant cost savings related to the 2022 election.

Committee of the Whole:

The following are highlights from the Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Delegation – Capitol Theatre update

Olga Cwiek, President and Rob Kempson, Artistic Producer of the Capitol Theatre provided a presentation outlining what can be expected for the 2022 season.

Delegation – Forest management

Todd Farrell, Natural and Cultural Heritage Manager at Northumberland County provided a delegation regarding the 2021 – 2041 Forest Management Plan.

Economic Development Strategy

Staff provided a report recommending the creation of an economic development strategy, through RFP, to be funded by the Municipal Modernization Program.

Economic development activity is a high priority as it supports community goals. Port Hope has experienced low to moderate growth compared to other comparable communities. Without an evidence-based plan there is risk that Port Hope’s growth will remain low and become even more reactive than it currently is. An evidence-based plan, properly resourced is an appropriate strategy to ensure Port Hope continues to be a community for people to live and businesses to thrive.

A resolution will be presented to Council for their consideration at the December 21 meeting.

Climate Change Survey outcomes

Staff provided a report outlining the results of the Climate Change survey completed in collaboration with McMaster University. Staff recommend the creation of an action plan that prioritizes the recommendations in the report, defines the budget implications of the recommendations, outlines departmental responsibilities and provides projected timelines for implementation.

A resolution will be presented to Council for their consideration at a future meeting.

Visitor Information Centre management

Staffing the visitor centre has been a challenge for the Municipality with ongoing staff turnover due in part to the part-time nature of the work. The recent Community Development Service Delivery Review included a recommendation to contract this service to a community partner. Staff provided a report recommending the implementation of an RFP process designed to identify local interest in staffing and managing the Visitor Information Centre.

A resolution will be presented to Council at the December 21, 2021 meeting.

Tree Protection By-law

In 2020, Council directed staff to bring forward for their consideration a Tree Protection By-law to regulate the destruction or injuring of all trees related to development requiring an approved site plan, subdivision, and/or development agreement pursuant to the Planning Act. Since then, staff has conferred with Council and Committee representatives and Municipal legal counsel on this matter.

Staff proposed a draft By-law that addresses previous Council direction. It is being recommended that Council identify April 1, 2022, as the date when this By-law will come into force to allow staff the time required to finalize the permitting process.

Staff will prepare a report for a future Council meeting indicating a By-law implementation strategy that includes communications and operational plans, administrative procedures, and any resource requirements.

Minutes and video recordings

Meeting minutes will be available pending approval at the next Council meeting on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at which point they will become the official record of the meeting.

 Recordings of the December 7, 2021, Council and Committee of the Whole meetings will be available at

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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