Northumberland County – Hamilton Township Wins Praise for OP Amendment

In City Hall

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland

Northumberland County Land Use Planning and Inspections Services Manager Dwayne Campbell complimented Hamilton Township on its direction, as this week’s meeting of council’s standing Economic Development, Tourism and Land Use Planning Standing Committee approved the amendment to the township’s Official Plan to allow densification.

The Official Plan amendment is a policy change to allow additional residential units,” Campbell said.

When I say additional residential units, I mean basement apartments, accessory structures that can act as rental units on properties.

This is another municipality that is updating their Official Plan in accordance with our Affordable Housing Strategy and provincial policy, Hamilton Township is achieving one of the goals in the housing strategy that was developed in accordance with the county,” Campbell said.

I know there are a few landowners within Hamilton Township that are eagerly awaiting this decision, because they are looking to put in that legal basement apartment for additional rental income or adding another unit on their property.”

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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