Letter to the Editor – Cramahe Township Resident Says “Do The Right Thing”

In Editorial

On July 1st I worked alongside the Toronto Police Public Order unit for nine hours.

We (Toronto Fire Department) were assisting with civil issues at Woodbine Beach.

While attending to a girl who had received a roman candle too the ear and face I heard the dispatch and call for the Police Officer who was struck. I was just two miles away.

The police officer dedicated 31+ years of his life serving and protecting.

When I heard that he was VSA (vital signs absent), my crew were attending a stabbing in west end of the parking lot. All the while dogging firecrackers and wizbangs. I felt sickened.

The fire hall flags are presently at half mast in Colborne, as are Cobourg’s Fire Hall.

The Cramahe Town Hall, Victoria Square and car park from what I am told and what I observed Friday and Sunday never moved.

The Township has just recently made some type statement about a creating or developing a Flag Policy

Please, forget the Northumberland County vs Township rivalry – the chest thumping.

Just do the right thing. Honor those who have given and died.

It’s the least we can do as a Township.

Regards Ken Awender

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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