Cobourg Councillor Throws Hat Into Provincial Liberal Ring

In Local

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland

Local activist, entrepreneur – and Cobourg councillor – Nicole Beatty has announced her intention to seek the Liberal nomination in the race to be the next Northumberland-Peterborough South MPP.

The Cobourg-born and -raised advocate has worked for positive change and collaboration through a list set out in her announcement Friday morning. This includes work on the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority board, co-founding the Cultivate Festival, volunteering as executive director of Local Food for Local Good, and as CEO of her own community-development and project-management company.

Over many years on volunteer boards and working for non-profits and local charities, she has helped raise more than $30-million for various local, national and international causes.

“I’m proud to call the Northumberland-Peterborough South riding my home,” Beatty said.

“I believe my community work, business experience and leadership roles make me a strong candidate to represent my family, friends and neighbours, championing issues that affect their quality of life.

“My decision to run in provincial politics is the best way for me to give back to a community that raised me and to help contribute to its future and the people that live here.”

Another lengthy list in Beatty’s announcement was a number of “key pillars” central to her campaign

Enhancing supports for front-line and essential workers

Attracting new industries that provide living-wage jobs

Investing in youth

Facilitating partnerships to build mixed-use housing and inclusive communities

Protecting agricultural land and supporting farmers

Reforming policy that puts small buisnesses at the forefront of our communities

Strengthening broadband infrastructure and transit networks

Advocating for environmental sustainability and conservation

Building capacity for education and mental-health resources

Remodelling long-term and at-home care so seniors can live in dignity and comfort.

Cecilia Nasmith
Author: Cecilia Nasmith

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