Letter to the Editor – Deeply Saddened Premier Used Police Against Citizens

In Editorial

(file photo)

On Friday evening with the new measures in place, i was deeply saddened in the fact that are Premier threatened the people Ontario with the police that are supposed to protect us and not him.

I did not see any point going out and just getting into an argument with the Port Hope Police. I do not see them as an enemy I didn’t want to be a martyr

My goal is to open minds. All anger brings is more anger. The politicians of Ontario are nothing but bullies and like a schoolyard the first thing a bully does is try to turn everyone against you.

When that doesn’t work they send their thugs. When I saw all the (police) departments one by one refuse to exercise their powers it completely threw me off and warmed my heart.

The fact that our politicians attempted to create division between the police and the people like what we see in the States was absolutely disgusting.

It shows how spineless and weak they are. This is no longer about public health it’s about power hungry politicians who are now drunk on that power.

Once again our MPP was silent while someone was taking peoples right to move without harassment from the law. He did nothing – pathetic.

I have a few plans, not just to spread the message, but to get all of the lions of Port Hope roaring loud and proud.

One love

Ryan Ramjohn

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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