Cobourg and Port Hope Police Services Will Not Be Stopping Vehicles Randomly

In Police Blotter

New enforcement measures for provincial offences officers were also announced under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA). These additional enforcement measures include:

• Police authority to ask anyone outside their residence to provide their address and indicate their purpose for being outside their residence.

• Police authority to stop vehicles and pedestrians to make these inquiries.

Although these new enforcement measures have been given, Cobourg Police will continue to be proactive and complaint-driven in our response to the increased measures. While provincial offences officers, including police officers, have enforcement rights under the new EMCPA order, we will continue to focus on the 4 Es – Engage, Explain, Educate, and Enforce. Those that refuse to comply will receive the appropriate penalty

• CPS will not be randomly stopping people. Officers will investigate if they have reasonable grounds to believe the individual is violating the government measures.

Officers will not stop vehicles for the sole purpose of checking compliance under the current Stay-At Home Order. Officers will only stop vehicles where there are reasonable grounds to believe the individual(s) are breaking the law, such as for Highway Traffic Act (HTA) violations and Criminal Code violations. Other instances may be complaint-driven, where police will follow up on public complaints reported to them.

Cobourg Police Service Uniform Officers, Special Constables, and Auxiliary members will continue proactive community patrols and respond to service calls.

“I remain committed to ensuring we are doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 and variants. Our officers, special constables, and auxiliary members, in partnership with the Town of Cobourg Bylaw, have done an outstanding job through the pandemic and will continue to promote compliance with the new restrictions. Our approach has not changed. We will not be stopping people without cause. We will continue to be proactive and enact the 4 Es – Engage, Explain, Educate, and Enforce. Enforcement will be aimed at those individuals we have engaged with who, when given the opportunity to comply, chose not to.” – Chief Paul VandeGraaf, Cobourg Police Service.

Port Hope Police have also stated they will not stop be randomly stopping vehicles for the sole purpose of checking compliance

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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