Letter To The Editor – Outstanding Professionalism by Cobourg Police

In Editorial

I am commending Today’s Northumberland, Chief VandeGraaf and the officers of the Cobourg Police Service for their outstanding professionalism and first class performance in the coverage and handling of the hooligans involved in the pandemic protest in front of Victoria Hall on Saturday past.

I take no issue with a peaceful law-abiding protest and respect the rights of every Canadian to express themselves freely.  However, to publicly taunt, curse and berate police officers is simply disgraceful.  Top marks to Pete Fisher for capturing their boorish and shameful behaviour on video.  Well done.  If there’s any doubt as to the measure of their reprehensible actions please view the video posted by Pete on Today’s Northumberland.

I take further issue with the former Cobourg Police Service employee who apparently took exception to the actions of the police and publicly cursed them.  Shame on you!  I admired the calm professionalism of the two Sergeants and the constables, showing the utmost restraint in the face of flagrant and vicious disrespect.  I also believe that those who deserved to be charged must have done something to warrant a summons.  

Last Saturday the fine men and women of the Cobourg Police Service were doing their duty in accordance with their oath of office and the statues they are sworn to uphold.  Almost 17 years ago Constable Chris Garrett gave up his life doing exactly what these same officers are doing every day.  May God bless them all!

Roger Thomas, Sgt. # 212 (ret)

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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