Northumberland CFDC’s RE3 Initiative Supports Over 375 Women-Led Businesses Across Eastern Ontario

In Community

In just four short months, Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC), in collaboration with regional partners, has supported over 375 Eastern Ontario women-led SMEs to REBUILD, REOPEN and REVIVE their businesses by positioning them for rapid and positive post-pandemic economic recovery.

Cobourg, ON (January 29, 2021) – Launched July 17, 2020, Northumberland CFDC’s RE3 REBUILD, REOPEN and REVIVE initiative has been fully dispersed across Eastern Ontario and has impacted over 375 women-led businesses and helped maintain over 1,040 jobs. Women-led businesses often face unique challenges, which have been amplified by the impacts of COVID-19 on our economy.

RE3 was funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF), with the Northumberland CFDC receiving $2 million to provide non-repayable contributions of up to $5,000 to help eligible women-led businesses with key re-opening expenditures, including:
· Acquisition of reusable personal protective equipment (PPE);

· Reconfiguration of workspaces to accommodate social distancing impacts; and

· Enhancing online capacity to improve accessibility and client service.

We have seen the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impact women entrepreneurs and severely affect sectors such as retail, hospitality and food services—sectors where women entrepreneurs are most present, resulting in 35 percent of Northumberland CFDC’s total support. Funding was allocated to businesses in Eastern Ontario, spanning out from Northumberland County, across Kawartha Lakes and down through Ottawa and Renfrew County.

“The Government of Canada is proud to support Northumberland CFDC and the RE3 initiative. This investment is helping more than 375 women-led businesses to weather the pandemic storm, ensuring these businesses are able to remain operational and protecting over 1,040 jobs in the region. Together we will continue to work to ensure women entrepreneurs in southern Ontario are well-positioned to build back better.” – Minister Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister Responsible for FedDev Ontario

“To see and hear firsthand the impacts of the RE3 initiative across southern Ontario from our recipients has been outstanding. We were pleased to execute this program with our partner Windsor-Essex Economic Development Corporation and quickly place critically needed funds into the hands of women-led businesses to ensure they were resourced to REBUILD, REOPEN and REVIVE for recovery.”- Wendy Curtis, Executive Director, Northumberland CFDC

“With RE3, I was able to keep my practice alive. Not only am I a business woman, Naturopathic Doctor, but I am also a mother of three children. This pandemic lockdown has significantly impacted my occupation and income. I needed something that would allow me to work safely and outfit my home office. Many patients are reluctant to visit multi-disciplinary clinics and only want to see me at my home office.” – Andrea Bull, Naturopathic Doctor (Healthcare), Campbellford Ontario, Northumberland CFDC RE3 Recipient

“These funds were a real beacon for me. To say this year was hard is a massive understatement. Seeing a program like RE3 that was meant for a business like mine was a real boost during a very dark time. It gave me the confidence to go ahead and buy this equipment as an investment in my business. Without it, I wouldn’t have done so as I had a real “cash is king” mentality as I faced the prospect of another shutdown. But because of this option, I was able to start thinking about growth instead of just thinking about loses. Thank you so much for this.” – Elsbeth Vaino, Custom Strength (Personal Training/Fitness), Ottawa Ontario, Northumberland CFDC RE3 Recipient

“The changes made in the store have reenergized staff and clients. The past year has been very difficult and the changes this funding allowed us to do have provided us with hope and inspiration.”- Amanda Adamcryck, Revolution Skateboard Shop (Retail), Brockville, Ontario, Northumberland CFDC RE3 Recipient

“This project has had a huge impact on our business especially through acquiring the sprayers which allowed us to get back to regular room count and turnaround, while at the same time keeping our guests and staff safe. Acquiring PPE and all the tools we have needed for COVID has been very expensive. This relief is very much appreciated. Thank you.” – Norah Rogers, Waring House (Hospitality), Picton, Ontario, Northumberland CFDC RE3 Recipient

Quick Facts
• Northumberland Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) provides financing and strategy support for entrepreneurs. Delivering an array of entrepreneurial development and finance programs funded by FedDev Ontario, Northumberland CFDC also manages an investment portfolio that drives business start-up and expansion.

• Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan has helped to protect millions of jobs, provide emergency support to families and keep businesses afloat as they deal with the impact of COVID-19.

• In southern Ontario, FedDev Ontario is delivering $436.4 million in financial relief to help businesses that have been unable to access existing relief measures (including $69.4 million in targeted rural support delivered by CFDCs). To find out more about how to apply to the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) in southern Ontario, visit

• Northumberland CFDC (for Eastern Ontario) and WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation (for southwestern Ontario), in collaboration with regional partners, delivered the Rebuild Reopen Revive initiative to support women-led small- and medium-sized enterprises in rural and urban communities across southern Ontario. Both organizations received $2 million to provide non-repayable contributions of up to $5,000 to help eligible women-led businesses. Over 700 women-led businesses were supported through this initiative.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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