Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority’s Nature Nuts School Re-Opens Under New Covid-19 Protocols

In Local, Upcoming Events

Are you feeling stressed about your child returning to school? Concerned about how they’ll cope in a large class setting under the new government guidelines? The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) is pleased to continue offering a program which will reduce stresses for both you and your child, while providing technical and educational expertise to support the completion of their schooling through their School Board’s online learning program.

Nature Nuts School takes place in the GRCA’s Millennium Building at the Millennium Conservation Area. Students in grades 2 through 8 will complete the mandated 5 hours of online instruction, on computers provided by the GRCA, with breaks throughout the day for interactive learning that further explores the curriculum and encourages skill development.

With the announcement that schools will be resuming in-class learning on January 25th within the GRCA’s health unit region, the following new required Covid-19 protocols will be put into practice along with all others that have kept students and staff safe. These include:
1. Masks will now have to be worn indoors.
2. Masks will be required to be worn outside for outdoor activities where physical distancing of at least two-metres is not possible.
3. An updated screening questions survey, that everyone completes each morning prior to coming to school, will align with the Covid-19 School Screening questionnaire by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education.

The next 4-week session of Nature Nuts School is scheduled to begin February 1, 2021, running Monday through Friday, 8:45AM – 4:00PM with available extended care. Registrations are based on a minimum of 4 weeks, and are being offered for a fee of $250.00 per week. Additional fees required for extended care.

If this opportunity will assist you and your child during their online journey, please call the GRCA at 905.885.8173 for more information or to register.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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