OPP Members Charged with Breach of Trust; Secret Commissions

In Police Blotter

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has charged three OPP members and an individual as part of an ongoing investigation into allegations involving the towing industry.

In February 2019, the OPP Professional Standards Unit (PSU) received an internal complaint alleging members of the OPP Highway Safety Division (HSD) were providing preferential treatment to tow operators within the Greater Toronto Area. In October 2019, a joint investigation commenced with the OPP Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) and the OPP PSU involving offences related to breach of trust and secret commissions.

As a result of this complex internal investigation, three OPP officers have been charged with Secret Commissions and Breach of Trust contrary to the Criminal Code. The charged OPP members are as follows:

· PC Simon BRIDLE – aged 53 years – HSD 407 Detachment (20 years of service)

· PC Mohammed (Ali) HUSSAIN – aged 52 years – OPP Toronto Detachment (24 years of service)

HUSSAIN was arrested on January 13, 2021 and BRIDLE was arrested on January 14, 2021 and both have been released on undertakings with specific conditions of release. PC BRIDLE is additionally charged with Obtaining Sexual Services for Consideration contrary to section 286.1(1) of the Criminal Code.

· PC Bindo SHOWAN – aged 57 years – HSD 407 Detachment (20 years of service)

An endorsed warrant has been issued for the arrest of SHOWAN as he is currently out of the province.

As per authorities contained in the Police Services Act, all three members have been or will be served notices of suspension with pay.

Additionally, as a result of this ongoing criminal investigation, four more OPP officers – including two Commissioned Officers from the Highway Safety Division – have been suspended with pay. These members remain under investigation but have not been charged with an offence. The investigation is continuing and should these members be criminally charged, their identities will be released.

The OPP has also charged Sutheshkumar SITHAMBARPILLAY, aged 52 years of Toronto, with Aiding and Abetting Breach of Trust and Secret Commissions contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. The accused is expected to appear in court on April 16, 2021 at the Ontario Court of Justice (Finch Avenue) in Toronto.

If anyone has information regarding this ongoing investigation, they are urged to call the OPP non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122 or, if they wish to remain anonymous, contact CrimeStoppers.

Since June 2020, the OPP has been a partner within the Government of Ontario-led multi-agency Towing Industry Task Force and remains committed to collaborating with government and other public safety partners on reducing criminality in the tow industry. As a partner in the Towing Industry Task Force, the OPP is working hard to help mitigate the increased acts of violence, vandalism and fraud in the towing industry. The OPP has developed and is implementing a new towing policy to address how tow vehicles are dispatched to collision scenes or other calls for service.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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