Nominate Your Port Hope Civic Award Choice

In City Hall, Community

By Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland

The Municipality of Port Hope is now taking nominations for its 2020 Civic Awards, an annual initiative that recognizes outstanding achievements and contributions to the community.

Mayor Bob Sanderson said in the announcement that this program offers an opportunity for the municipality to give public recognition of its community members’ talents and efforts.
“In a community the size of Port Hope, volunteerism is what enables so many projects and initiatives to take flight,” Sanderson stated.

“In 2020, there were countless examples of community activism and engagement, as we all navigated the pandemic together. I look forward to celebrating our community in a virtual ceremony this spring.”

With nine categories open to receive submissions – Outstanding Citizen, Outstanding Youth, Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Athletics, Community Service, Inspiration, Philanthropy, and Environment – the awards highlight the variety of elements that make up the municipality’s inspiring culture by acknowledging those who contribute time, talent and resources to enriching life in the community.

“2020 was an overwhelming year, and there are have been many groups and individuals who persevered, invented, achieved, and created in spite of all the changes and challenges,” Civic Awards Committee Chair Keri-Lee Kroeger commented in the press release.

“The Civic Awards Program is an opportunity to celebrate the incredible people that make Port Hope such a vibrant and inspiring place to live, visit, and work.”

Nominations can be submitted online through March 4. Full information about the Civic Awards Program, eligibility and award category criteria is available online at

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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