Cameco – Positive COVID-19 Case at Port Hope Conversion Facility

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On December 20, 2020 we became aware that a Cameco employee from our Port Hope Conversion Facility (PHCF) has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee was last at work on December 16. The employee followed all protocols and did not enter the workplace with symptoms. Cameco is providing the affected employee with support to ensure they have the resources they need.

Cleaning and disinfection of the work area were quickly carried out when we became aware of the symptomatic employee on December 17.  According to our initial investigation, all safety protocols were followed, and no other employees were exposed through close contact while at work. Out of an abundance of caution, a number of employees who interacted with the employee have been identified. In all situations, employees were wearing masks and physical distancing. These employees will be prioritized for rapid testing at PHCF which will be administered by a third-party medical provider on Monday, December 21.

This extra effort to help protect employees will reduce workforce availability and as a result, we have made the decision to temporarily suspend production at the UF6 plant. Work to place the plant in a safe shutdown state is already underway. Plans to restart the plant will be determined by the results of the testing which are expected sometime on Tuesday, December 22. The UO2 plant at PHCF, the Blind River Refinery and Cameco Fuel Manufacturing continue to operate safely.

Since the beginning of the pandemic Cameco has developed and implemented a significant complement of proactive measures to help minimize the potential risk of exposure and transmission of COVID-19. Cameco is working closely with its company medical team and will work with the relevant health authorities as required.

We will provide an update once we receive the results of the testing.

Sara Forsey

Manager, Public & Government Affairs

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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