(21) House Fire Colborne December 3, 2020 – YouTube
Two Cramahe Township firefighters are being credited for rescuing a woman from her burning home on Thursday, December 3, 2020.
At approximately 8 a.m. Cramahe Township Fire Department were called to a possible house fire on North Street in Colborne.
Neighbour Bill Wilson who lives directly across the road from the residence noticed smoke coming from the home and called 9-1-1.
The dispatcher told him to not go near the house so Wilson stood outside waiting for firefighters.
At this time it was unknown if there was anyone in the residence, but there was a vehicle in the driveway.
Wilson said a firefighter arrived who wasn’t on-duty and he took over.
“He told me to knock on the front door, he went to the back door. Then he kicked open the door and then said, “we have to wait for the firemen.”
There was simply to much smoke to enter the residence safely.
Wilson said there was visible flames in the kitchen area and black smoke coming from the two storey home.
When firefighters arrived on scene two firefighters (Calvin Slade and Nick Gelinas) did an immediate interior attack and came upon a unconscious woman in the living room.
Firefighters carried the woman outside and paramedics took over.
The woman was given CPR and transported to Northumberland Hills Hospital.
The latest update was the woman had regained a heartbeat and was being transferred to Peterborough Hospital in critical condition.
Firefighters also rescued a dog from the fire, tried reviving it, giving it oxygen, but it died.
The fire was confined to the area of the kitchen area, but there was heavy smoke damage throughout the home.
It’s believed two other people live at the home, but weren’t there at the time of the fire.
Investigators with the Ontario Fire Marshal’s office were on scene for most of the day trying to determine a cause.