Ontario Health Team of Northumberland to Host Interactive COVID-19 Virtual Forum

In Community, Upcoming Events

COVID-19 has brought unprecedented change to daily life in Northumberland County.
With wave 2 of this global pandemic now upon us, many have questions.
To help answer these, the Ontario Health Team of Northumberland (OHT-N)—a partnership of local patients, caregivers, health and community care agencies—will host a second interactive virtual event.
What is the status of COVID-19 cases in Northumberland? How do I access COVID-19 assessment and testing?

What practices are in place at long-term care homes to keep residents safe?

What home and community supports are available to me?

When is a vaccine expected and how will this be coordinated?

These questions and more will be addressed in a 60-minute COVID-19 Virtual Forum taking place on Thursday, December 10.

Join five panelists from the OHT-N, who will open the Forum with a high level overview of local health and community care providers’ response to the pandemic to date and the
partnerships that have proven very valuable to minimize the impact of COVID-19 in Northumberland County.
There are two options to join: online, via the ZOOM platform, or by telephone.
Participants will be able to ask questions directly of the panelists as well as other OHTN representatives, including both County hospitals, primary care providers, Northumberland County paramedics, community care agencies, long-term care providers and more.
“The OHT-N was one of 24 such partnerships formed across Ontario prior to COVID-19. Here in Northumberland it continues to be an invaluable network to support a coordinated response and positive health outcomes,” said Linda Davis, spokesperson for the OHT-N and President and CEO of Northumberland Hills Hospital.

“It will take all of us to successfully beat COVID-19 and we have been extremely grateful to have the relationships in place around the OHT-N table to support the work required, including
but certainly not limited to the establishment of three COVID-19 assessment and testing centres. We look forward to sharing information, answering questions and hearing from
area residents about what more we can be doing, collectively, to help as we move forward together.”

Who: Moderated by Linda Davis, President and CEO, Northumberland Hills Hospital, this Forum will include the following OHT-N presenters:
• Hospital sector – Varouj Eskedjian, President & CEO, Campbellford Memorial Hospital

• Municipal services (including paramedics and long-term care) – Jennifer Moore, Chief Administrative Officer, Northumberland County

• Primary care sector – Adrienne Bell-Smith, Executive Director, Northumberland Family Health Team

• Community care sector – Trish Baird, Executive Director, Community Care Northumberland

When: Thursday, December 10, at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Participate online via ZOOM or via telephone. No pre-registration is required.

How: The session will be held December 10 at 7PM. Join online at zoom.us/join or by calling 1-855-703-8985. Enter the meeting ID 971 8503 6149 and passcode 235655 to
join. This information will also be found on the OHT-N website, www.ohtnorthumberland.ca Joining by phone? Submit questions in advance to info@ohtnorthumberland.ca or to 1-800-354-7050, ext. 2335. Joining online? Submit questions live using the ‘chat’ button.

Why: Join the conversation, ask questions or just listen in. This Forum is offered by the OHT-N partners as an opportunity to hear how community partners continue to work
together to support local needs and flatten COVID-19’s second wave and to answer questions (or recommend resources for) the issues that are top-of-mind.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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