Ontario Investing Additional $761 million to Build and Renovate More Long-Term Care Homes

In Provincial

Modernized funding model will lead to the construction of close to 11,000 spaces sooner

The Ontario government is investing an additional $761 million to build and renovate 74 long-term care homes across the province, creating close to 11,000 safe, modern spaces sooner for residents to call home. The additional funding is part of the province’s new funding model that helps break down historic barriers and accelerates the construction of urgently needed long-term care projects, providing seniors with the high-quality care they deserve.

Details were provided on Thursday, November 12, 2020 at the Maple View Lodge by Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, Minister of Long-Term Care, and Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and MPP for Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes.

“Our government has been taking historic steps to improve the quality of life for our loved ones by adding capacity and upgrading Ontario’s long-term care homes,” said Minister Fullerton. “We introduced the modernized funding model to build and renovate these homes faster, and we’re already seeing results, with thousands of new, safe, and comfortable spaces in progress.”

The modernized funding model is helping the government deliver on its commitment to create 30,000 beds over 10 years. The new model moves away from a one-size-fits-all approach, and instead, provides tailored incentives to address the needs of developers in different markets: rural, mid-size, urban, and large urban. It also introduces an up-front development grant to address high cost barriers to construction.

“Bringing the long-term care funding model into the 21st century means we have a targeted approach for improving and expanding long-term care capacity in our communities,” said Minister Clark. “For example, under the modernized funding model, Maple View Lodge will receive an additional investment of close to $7 million. This will help the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville build 132 new and much needed spaces in Athens township sooner.”

Working together with long-term care partners, Ontario continues to use innovative ideas and modern solutions to help end hallway health care and increase long-term care capacity in communities across the province. The government is also driving the development of new long-term care spaces by selling surplus lands with the requirement that long-term care homes be built on portions of the properties, and through the Accelerated Build pilot program, which is adding 1,280 spaces in a matter of months, not years.

Quick Facts

  • The modernized funding model has already boosted support for 74 projects, representing 10,753 long-term care spaces: 3,957 new beds, and 6,796 older beds being redeveloped to modern standards. Of the 74 projects, 49 involve the construction of a brand-new building.
  • Under the previous funding model, these projects would have received $8.1 billion, which includes one-time funding, 2019 construction funding subsidies over 25 years, and operational funding over 30 years. Thanks to the modernized funding model, the projects will now receive an increased amount of $8.9 billion.
  • As of June 2020, more than 38,500 people are on the waitlist to access a long-term care bed.

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Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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