Northumberland OPP – Several Off-Road Vehicle Charges Laid

In Police Blotter

On Friday October 16 and Saturday October 17, 2020, members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Central Region SAVE ( Snow Vehicle, All-terrain Vehicle, Vessel Enforcement/Education) team, along with Ganaraska Conservation Authority Officers conducted several hours of high visibility patrols within the Ganaraska Forest and around the area of the town of Bewdley.

As a result of their efforts, 123 off-road vehicles were stopped for inspection and several infractions were observed resulting in 37 charges. 20 ORV operators were found not to be in possession of a Ganaraska Forest membership or pass and were charged under the Trespass to Property Act. Other infractions included riders operating their ORVs without a number plate, no insurance, helmet related offences and passenger related violations.

The OPP and Ganaraska Conservation Authority officers would like to thank the many individuals that were observed following the rules, operating their vehicles in a safe manner and being courteous toward other trail and roadway users.

The OPP is reminding riders to exercise caution and ride within laws that are designated to keep you safe while operating any type of ORV. For more information on ATV/ORV safety and legal requirements, visit

To use the Ganaraska Forest, you are required to purchase an annual membership or day pass which can be purchased online at

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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