Northumberland OPP – Two Suspects Arrested During Break and Enter

In Police Blotter

On Wednesday September 23, 2020 members from the Northumberland Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) observed a break in enter in progress at a residence on the 13th Line East in the Municipality of Trent Hills.

At approximately 8:00 pm, an officer observed items near the end of a residential driveway and proceeded down the driveway to investigate further. The officer observed two individuals with flashlights fleeing from the location on foot. With the assistance from the Central Region Emergency Response Team (ERT), Canine Unit , and the Remotely Piloted Aerial System (Drone), the two suspects were located in an area not far from the residential property and arrested.

Robert James Prevost (age 39) of Trent Hills ON, and Evan Kelly (age 35) of Cramahe Township ON, have each been charged with:
Forcible Entry
Theft Under $5,000
Possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000

Robert Prevost was additionally charged with:
Identity theft – obtain or possess another person’s identity information
Failure to comply with release order
Fail to comply with probation order

Both accused were released and are scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Cobourg on December 2, 2020.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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