Editorial – MP Philip Lawrence – WE Need Better

In Editorial
Philip Lawrence Official Portrait / Portrait Officiel Ottawa, ONTARIO, Canada on 22 November, 2019. © HOC-CDC Credit: Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons Photo Services

Editorial – Political corruption is not inevitable, it is unacceptable. Corruption is a highly corrosive and often invisible agent that taints all that it touches. Corruption undermines our government, our economy and indeed our society.

Canada has always been a country where most folks on Main Street have felt that everyone was given a fair shake, an opportunity to be successful. That belief is the cornerstone that underpins a desire by nearly all Canadians to wake up every day, work hard and strive for their dreams. Without an ardent belief that Canada is a fundamentally fair and just country, the foundation of the lives of Canadians would become unmoored.

With every scandal that is unearthed about the Federal Liberals, the faith in our Government is undermined and its ability to collect revenue is reduced, affecting the lifespan of our important social programs. Over the last several weeks, I have had numerous constituents express in disbelief their frustration with the ethical lapses of the Prime Minister. The loss of faith in our Government is palpable.

When the Government wastes taxpayer dollars, Canadian confidence is undermined and support for our most vulnerable is decreased.

This lack of faith in our Government has a significant impact on our community. Canadians are less likely to agree to the ever-increasing taxation, as they see their hard-earned dollars going, not to support important social programs but to help well connected insiders become wealthier. As Baby Boomers retire in higher and higher numbers, the pressure on our social safety net will continue to increase and political corruption threatens our ability to support it. The International Monetary Fund reported that worldwide corruption resulted in 1 trillion dollars in lost tax revenue for Governments around the world.

We are starting to see that impact here in Canada.

Our capitalist economy necessitates a fair playing field for all competitors. In the absence of fairness, individuals will be far less likely to risk their life savings and invest countless hours and sleepless nights to start a business. If businesses are not started there will be less competition, inferior products and services, and fewer jobs for our community. We simply cannot allow Canadians to believe that you get ahead, not based on merit, but based on your connections with the Government. If we allow crony capitalism to take root in our country, we will be weeding it out for generations.

I still believe that Canada is a fundamentally fair and just country and that Canadians are among the finest and most upstanding in the world. Our political leaders must set the example by conducting themselves in accordance with the highest moral standards. When our school children look to Ottawa they must be inspired and encouraged to be better and do more. Constant ethics violations and scandals are simply unacceptable.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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