Alnwick/Haldimand Township Municipal Offices Re-Opening By Appointment Only

In City Hall

As of September 8, 2020, the Township will be open by appointment only for such things as Planning matters & Building matters. Please contact the Township office to set up an appointment. 905-349-2822

This framework for reopening is one component of The Township’s overall COVID-19 Recovery Plan.

It outlines a gradual, phased reopening of municipal facilities, and the resumption of programs, services and events, based on the latest direction of the Province of Ontario and local public health officials.

As the situation in Ontario continues to evolve, those directions will change and the Township will be required to adjust its reopening plan.

Final decisions about when specific facilities will be reopened are subject to future provincial guidance and the easing of public health restrictions. In making final decisions about reopening, the Township’s primary goal will be to protect the health and wellbeing of its employees, as well as the residents it serves.

The Township of Alnwick/Haldimand’s reopening plan can be found on our website at, and the framework is founded on the following guiding principles. Final decisions about when to open specific facilities and restart individual services will be made based on these principles:

· The Township’s top priority will be the health and safety of its staff and residents.

· The Township will take a gradual and phased approach to reopening.

· Decisions about reopening will be guided by, and in alignment with, direction from the Province of Ontario and the local Health Unit.

· To the extent possible, the Township will coordinate reopening plans with other local area municipalities.

Outdoor Amenities
· Most amenities are currently opened.

· It is not possible to sanitize most outdoor amenities due to the large numbers of them and limited staffing.

· Playgrounds will not be sanitized, so must be used at your own risk.

Indoor Facilities
· Physical distancing, limitations on groups sizes, and sanitization within Town Hall will necessitate an appointment based approach for the foreseeable future.

· Masks will be mandatory.

· Similar recreation facilities (e.g. arenas, community centres, indoor pools) will be re-opened in phases (as opposed to all at once) to limit safety risks, and to manage staffing and financial impacts.

· Reopening indoor facilities will require an increased frequency and level of cleaning and sanitation.

· There will be a lag between when the Province announces an indoor facility can reopen and when we will be able to reopen them.

Programs and Events
· Council cycle, along with legislated consultations, should begin once protocols can be established. September 17th Council will go back to in person meetings, however strict guidelines for visitors will be in place.

· It is expected that the province will cancel, or restrict, large events until 2021, or when a vaccine is available.

· Restarting programs and events will be dictated by provincial restrictions on sizes of gatherings as well as whether or not appropriate protocols can be in place.

Employees & Public Entering Township Facilities
· Staff, as well as the public, will be required to complete a health check prior to entering the municipal facility.

· Entry may be prohibited, due to health check approvals.

· Staff, as well as the public, are expected to adhere to public health guidance regarding handwashing and physical distancing.

· Staff will be required to complete COVID-19 related training before re-entering the workplace.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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