Cornerstone’s Walk A Mile Is Back and Going Virtual!

In Community, Upcoming Events

Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre (Cornerstone), is excited to announce Walk A Mile is back and going virtual. The virtual Walk A Mile, presented by Lakeridge Chrysler, will be held on Saturday, September 26th and can be done by anyone, anywhere, in any footwear.

“COVID-19 may be keeping us apart physically, but we can still work collectively to raise funds and awareness for Cornerstone,” says Cornerstone Manager of Community Engagement, Janelle Eisler. “Whether you get your neighbours to watch you walk around your block, or take a solo trek on a trail in Northumberland Forest – all efforts, although separate, will have a big impact collectively on the lives of local women and children.” Eisler adds.

The beauty of the virtual event is that walks can take place anywhere through neighbourhoods, along the boardwalk, on a trail, through places of work, or on a treadmill at home. Regardless of the location, participants are encouraged to take a photo and post it on social media tagging Cornerstone and using the hashtag #mywalkmyway.

“Family violence is a community issue, which requires community solutions,” says Cornerstone Executive Director, Nancy Johnston. “We cannot let a pandemic stand in our way of realizing a future free from violence. It is imperative that we continue in our tradition of taking a stand against family violence through the Walk A Mile event to raise awareness and funds for our cause,” adds Johnston.

A registration fee of $20 for adults and $10 for those under 18 applies, however walkers are encouraged to collect additional pledges to support Cornerstone. Upon registration participants will be provided with Walk A Mile kits that include signature red heels if desired (and while sizes and availability last), posters to promote their individual walk, and materials to encourage pledges and participation.

Last year Cornerstone provided service to over 2600 women, children and youth through shelter, counselling and prevention programming. Walk A Mile plays a critical role in funding the various programs and services Cornerstone offers that turn fear into hope, and help local families rebuild their lives after experiencing abuse. The community is encouraged to come out and be a part of the solution.
To get involved through participation, sponsorship, or donations to the 13th Annual Walk A Mile visit, or call 905-372-1545 to speak with Janelle.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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