Cobourg Police Service Launches Citizen Online Reporting System

In Police Blotter

The Cobourg Police Service has launched an online reporting portal in response to discussions with the public at Coffee with the Chief events held earlier this year.

The portal allows community members to report lower priority crimes within the Town of Cobourg limits.

Easy and convenient, the online reporting system enables citizens to enter the details of a crime online rather than waiting for an officer to come to their location and collect the information. The reporting system is designed to allow the public to file non-emergency reports such as theft, vandalism, and lost property.

Low-level crimes are deemed low priority incidents, meaning those reporting them may have to wait before an officer is able to respond to take a report. Consequently, victims of these crimes might not bother to report them.

“We’re trying to make reporting lower priority crimes easier for people,” says Chief Paul VandeGraaf, Cobourg Police Service. “Even if a crime is classified as low priority, the incidents are important. These reports can help us identify crime trends and react appropriately, helping us make the community a safer place for everyone.”

Cobourg Police Service will continuously be evaluating public response to the system, which provides the flexibility to adjust report types to meet the needs of the community. Using the citizen online reporting system, community members can report the following incidents:

• Bullying

• Damage to Property

• Damage to Vehicle

• Lost Property

• Theft from Vehicle

• Theft Under $5,000

• Theft of Gas

• Traffic Complaint

Community members can access the portal by visiting the Cobourg Police Service website, on any device with an internet connection, to file reports, crime tips, and other incidents 24 hours a day.

Upon completion of the report process, community members automatically receive a copy of the report via email.

Reports can be made by accessing and clicking on the Citizens Online Reporting System button on the homepage.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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