Former Port Hope Police Dispatcher Still Trying To Help Those In Need

In Community

As a former dispatcher with the Port Hope Police Service, Brenda Johns has helped thousands of people during their time of crisis during the course of her nearly 30-year career.

Now, seeing fear on the faces of people, feeling the anxiety herself of COVID-19 she has a message below for people of Port Hope and beyond.

There is light.

As a former 911 dispatcher I have spent my entire adult life helping the people in my community.

Today we are faced with fear and uncertainty and often just want to do something, but what?

Things are looking like this is going to take time and being unable to meet with family, friends or even talk to passing strangers we will all struggle with feeling alone.

This is what I want to do.

I want to help anyone who is struggling to know “YOU ARE NOT ALONE.”

Starting on March 28 and every night until life returns to normal where friends, family and strangers are no longer struggling.


Turn off something in your house that has constant power so it’s not an extra expense.

My hope is that this spreads throughout my town of Cobourg, the province of Ontario, Canada and the world.

Let’s stand together and turn on a light, the light of hope and support. Let no one sit in the dark afraid and alone. I hope to look out my windows and see the light of hope and love for all , on every house for as far as I can see.


My light will be on 24/7 When you see it know your in my thoughts.

THERE IS A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL . If you’re sick, frightened or know someone who is fighting to remain well or just fighting to make sense of it all my light is for you.

Please join me and turn on your light. Please share or re post, email to friends send this as much and as far as you can.

I hope my light meets yours and we unite with world with love and support.

Like many others I have loved ones far from home who I can’t be with and even loved ones just across town that we can’t be with. How cool if with your help my light reaches them and your light reaches those in your thoughts.

Thank you for your support.

Brenda Johns

Ex 911er. Still trying to helping those in need.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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