After Over Six Decades The Port Hope Kinsmen Club Has Folded

In Community, Editor Choice

The Port Hope Kinsmen Club is no longer but they want to leave one last gift for the community.

As of September 1, 2019, the Club which includes the last four members of Peter Abrams who has served 35-years, Jeff Lees who has served 30-years, Kenny Donnelly who has served 25-years and Garry Bowen who has served five-years all agreed to shut down to the Club that is in its 66th year of operation serving the community of Port Hope.

“We’ve been down to four members for the last six or seven years,” said Peter Abrams who was President of the club.

“We’ve been struggling, but we’ve continued to donate to the community through fundraising.”

Abrams said the Kinsmen Club has donated to the community for over 60-years, but without new members, it’s just getting to much to continue.

“We’ve tried to get new members and we can’t, so the membership voted to fold the club.”

The membership has money left over from fundraisers and thought it would be a perfect idea to give back to the community one last time.
“The guys would like to leave a bit of a legacy behind. We wanted to leave something that would be good for the municipality and also fit the Strategic Plan and we thought a gazebo would be a great idea.”

Plans for the gazebo are to have it installed at Kinsmen Park just north of Walton Street along the Ganaraska River.

“This is a perfect place and it will be handicap accessible with three paths leading around it“

“It’s something for everyone to come, enjoy and overlook the river,” said Abrams.

Last year the four members managed to raise over $12,000 for the community of Port Hope.

Jim McCormick who is Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture said the Kinsmen Club approached the town approximately one month ago about the idea.

The gazebo would be similar to the one on the waterfront trail. All the costs associated would be paid for by the Kinsmen Club with the cost being approximately $26,500.

In addition to that there would be a interpretive sign which would explain the Kinsmen Club’s 66-years of involvement with the community.
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee discussed it at their last meeting and they are supportive.

McCormick said the gazebo aligns with councils strategic priorities as far as enhancing the River Walk.

“As with all of our gazebo’s in the community, they are an area for people to relax and we thought it would be no more fitting that overlooking the Ganarasaka River and along the trail network.”

“The town hasn’t had any issues with them regarding vandalism, or loitering. It really is a place for people to sit and relax, maybe have a bite to eat. All of that put together truly does make it a good fit.”

Final comments from the public have been received and they’ll be a report to the Committee of the Whole on September 3 with a recommendation from staff on the location.

“The community has been great to us and hopefully they appreciate what we’ve done for them,” said Abrams.

“I want to thank all the past Kinsmen and Kinettes. They’ve given thousands of hours to the community raising thousands of dollars for the community.”

Abrams said the four members are like one big family.

“It was a hard thought for all of us. We put a lot of thought behind it, but we’re all getting older and tired. It’s a lot of work for four guys. The time came – we hated to do it, but we’d like to leave this money in the community and we think this is a great project to do that.“

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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