Cobourg Council Should Have More On Sidbrook Info By August

In City Hall

Cecilia Nasmith/Today’s Northumberland
Last week’s debate at Cobourg council’s committee-of-the-whole meeting on property-standards enforcement at the former Sidbrook Private Hospital may have ended inconclusively, but Councillor Aaron Burchat said this week that more concrete information can be expected this summer.

Consultations continue and an engineering report is available from three years ago, Burchat said. A staff report sharing these findings can be ready for council’s Aug. 12 meeting.

The former grand mansion at the corner of King Street West and Abbott Boulevard later became a private hospital until government funding dried up around the turn of the century. It has sat unused since then, becoming a derelict and dangerous eyesore.

Meanwhile, as protection-services co-ordinator, Burchat shared statistics from the fire and building departments at this week’s council meeting.

Year-to-date stats from the fire department as of the end of April show that there have been 570 incidents reported, with 141 training sessions undertaken and 121 fire-prevention activities conducted.

April statistics from the building department show 28 building permits were issued for the month (including 17 for new dwellings), representing construction worth more than $5.5-million and bringing the town $51,000 in revenues for permits and fees.

Year-to-date statistics as of April 30 show that 143 building permits were issued (including 40 for new dwellings), representing construction worth more than $15.1-million and bringing the town more than $159,000 in revenues.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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