Flood Warning Issued For Local Area – Rice Lake/Trent River from Hastings To Trenton

In Local

Municipalities (Alnwick/Haldimand, Quinte West, Trent Hills), Northumberland & Hastings Counties, Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry, Trent-Severn Waterway, Ontario Power Generation, Innergex, Media, Health Units, Emergency Response Agencies

Lower Trent Conservation advises local municipalities and the public that a Flood Warning is now issued for Rice Lake and Trent River from Hastings to Trenton. This Flood Warning updates the Flood Watch issued on April 18, 2019. The Flood Outlook Statement for local creeks and streams issued on April 17, 2019, is no longer in effect.

The Trent River system is in full spring freshet with the rain received over the Easter weekend and the warm temperatures melting the snowpack in the northern sections of the river basin in the Haliburton, Central Lakes and Upper Crowe areas. There is still some remaining snowpack in these north areas and with the 10 to 15 mm rain predicted for Tuesday/Wednesday this week, the flows will be sustained.

Flows on the Burnt River peaked overnight at a record setting 240 cms (cubic metres per second) and Parks Canada is managing water levels on the Kawartha Lakes with these high inflows. Outflows from the Kawartha Lakes, through the Otonabee River, into Rice Lake and down the Trent River are expected to increase for the next 5 days. Operations are planned at Hastings to maximize outflows from Rice Lake as it reaches full conditions. Flows into the Trent River from the Crowe River are at 190 cms and are still trending upwards.

Parks Canada will continue to operate the dams along the Trent River to facilitate flow to the Bay of Quinte. With these increasing flows and water levels continuing at the same rate of rise, or increasing, this Flood Warning for Rice Lake and the Trent River is now issued.

Lower Trent Conservation will be maintaining daily contact with Parks Canada, the Provincial Surface Water Monitoring Centre and neighbouring Conservation Authorities to ensure we are aware of all dam operations and conditions that may affect the water levels on local waterways.

While the potential dangers presented by rivers, small streams and open ditches never cease to exist, they are of particular concern at this time of the year. Water currents are strong and temperatures dangerously cold. Parents and caregivers are advised to keep children and pets away from all waterways. Areas around dams, culverts and bridges should be avoided at all times.

Lower Trent Conservation monitors water levels and weather forecasts closely as part of its flood forecasting and warning program. Daily water level updates are available at www.LTC.on.ca. If you have concerns about water levels, please contact Lower Trent Conservation at (613) 394-4829.
This Flood Watch will be in effect until (or updated before) Monday, April 29th, 2019.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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