Cobourg Police – Weekly Media Release

In Police Blotter

From the 4th of March 2019-10th of March 2019, the Cobourg Police Service responded to 180 incidents, which included:
4 Mischief calls, 2 Theft calls, 17 Motor Vehicle Collisions, 15 Alarm calls, 2 Domestic Dispute calls, 7 Family Disturbance calls, 2 Impaired Driver calls, 2 Suspicious Person calls, 4 Fraud calls, 2 Unwanted Person calls, 4 Suspicious Vehicle calls, 4 Assault calls, and 3 Neighborhood Dispute calls.
Here are some examples of calls for service for the week;
March 4th
· The Cobourg Police Service has charged an adult female with a number of offences as a result of a shoplifting incident at Dollarama.On Monday the 4th of March 2019, a female was observed shoplifting at Dollarama. When confronted by store employees, the female brandished a knife at an employee before fleeing the scene. The employee was uninjured as a result of the altercation. Police located and arrested the female suspect a short time later.22 year old Ashley Scriver is charged with Theft under $5000, Possession of Property obtained by Crime, Assault with a Weapon as well as Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose.

Ashley Scriver was released on a Promise to Appear and an Undertaking with conditions and given an adult court date of the 24th of April 2019.

· Police were called to a downtown business in regards to a female acting suspiciously. Police spoke with a female who appeared to be totally incoherent ,dressed poorly for the weather and unable to take care of herself. The female was apprehended under the Mental Health Act and was transported to NHH and left in the care of security.

March 5th
· Police attended a local business upon report of a suspicious transaction for a 3,000. BBQ. The BBQ was purchased over the phone by a male who provided a visa # that appeared to be valid. The delivery service that was hired through KIJIJI to pick up the BBQ made the complainant suspicious and when police attended the transaction was halted. Visa security is currently looking into the matter. Investigation is continuing.

· Police attended a local motel upon report of a male posting suicidal messages on social media. The male was apprehended by police under the mental Health Act and transported to Northumberland Hills Hospital where he was held for further assessment.

March 6th
· Police received a report from a customer of a used car dealership indicating he had purchased a vehicle approx. one month ago and alleges there is a part missing and that the dealership won’t return his calls. The complainant was advised of civil remedies available to him.

· Police attended a local public school upon report of a student leaving the school without authorization. The student was located a short time later and police stood by while a parent picked up the child.

March 7th
· Police attended the Marina off of Third Street in response to a single vehicle MVC. Police investigation revealed that the driver was intoxicated and was arrested for Dangerous Operation, Operation while impaired – alcohol and drugs, operation while impaired – blood alcohol concentration. The male was held in custody until sober, released on a Promise to Appear in Court.

· Officers were dispatched to attend Northumberland Mall regarding a male reportedly aggressively asking patrons for money. Officers attended and located the male. The male was subsequently charged under the safe streets act for panhandling. The male was trespassed from the property by the property manager who was in the area at the time of the occurrence. The male was last observed standing off the property waiting for the Town bus. Officers received a second call to the area, regarding the male acting inappropriately. Officers re attended the area and apprehended the male under the mental health act, due to concerns for his personal safety. The male was transported to NHH where he was held on the strength of a Form 1.

March 8th
· Police attended a Cobourg residence upon request of a mother not being able to calm her 16 year old son down. The mother stated her son has punched a hole in some drywall of her residence. Police attended and spoke with both parties and as a result the youth will be attending Rebound Youth Services for some counselling.

· Police attended Northumberland mall upon report of a two vehicle collision in the parking lot. Police spoke with the at fault driver who admitted to reversing his vehicle without checking behind him resulting in him striking an unoccupied vehicle parked nearby causing a large amount of damage.

March 9th
· Police were alerted to a female who had not returned to a Durham Region Psychiatric facility when she was required to do so. Police attended a King St. E address and apprehended the female without incident. The female was transported back to the custody of Durham Regional Police.

· Police were called to King St. East bar upon report of a patron possibly having a weapon of some sort. Bar security conducted a pat down check of the male with his consent. No weapon was found and the male was allowed to enter the bar as he was not causing any problems.

March 10th

· On Sunday the 10th day of March 2019, 69 year old Denise Palermo of Cobourg turned herself in to the Cobourg Police Service on an outstanding assault investigation.

On February 5th Palermo was involved in an altercation with another tenant in her building where she allegedly slapped the victim in the face. Palermo was released from custody on a promise to appear in court with conditions.

· Police attended a local senior’s residence upon report by a 97 year old resident that her son was in her freezer. Police spoke with the resident and reassured her that her son was not in her freezer. Cobourg Police Mental health response unit will be conducting further follow-up.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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