Breaking News – Port Hope Jack Burgers Sports Complex Closed Temporarily Due To Fire

In Editor Choice, Local

The Jack Burger Sports Complex is closed as a result of a fire inside a washroom.
Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, Jim McCormack said fire crews were called at approximately 5:30 p.m. on February 5, 2019.
“It started in the accessible change area within the family change room.”
“It appears the body dryer which is used by persons with disabilities caught fire and engaged the sprinkler for that area.”
McCormack adds, “it would have been extremely hot to activate the sprinkler.”
As a result of the sprinkler being activated it created large amounts of water in the change rooms and into the hallway of the swimming area.
“There is significant smoke damage within that specific area and at this point the police are investigating.”
“The facility is shut down strictly because of the fire suppression systems.”
All programming at the facility is cancelled at this time, including all on-ice activities in the arena. The facility will remain closed until the investigation is complete.
Once the investigation is complete contractors will be called in to fix the sprinkler head, recharge the system and reset all the fire protection safety systems we require.
At the time of the fire there were bathers and skaters using the facility, but McCormack said everyone was evacuated quickly and safely.
Even though the alarm was activated, McCormack credits staff for phoning emergency services to indicate there was an actual fire.
When the investigation is complete the arena will be open first as officials still have to look into how much actual damage there is in the area of the fire involving smoke and water.
“The damage is very isolated to a relatively small area. That particular change room will be closed for an extended period of time.”
The facility had a fire several months ago in the same area on a change table that was deliberately set that did not set off the sprinkler because it didn’t generate enough heat, but it did create a lot of smoke damage because of the burning plastics.
Patrons are advised that they can contact Staff any time after 7 a.m. on Wednesday to arrange for pick-up of belongings that were left behind during the evacuation. Please call 905-885-2474.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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