Cobourg Needs To Take Action For The Safety of Drivers

In Editorial

Editorial – On average there are a number of causes of collisions.
Driver error, weather, or mechanical.
Collisions will always be around no matter how careful you are.
You can’t control what the other person does. You certainly can’t control the weather and, in short, crap happens.
But we can do our best to prevent collisions.
Keep your eyes on the road, refrain from drinking and focus on what you’re doing.
Make sure your vehicle is mechanically safe to the best of your ability.
If you’re heading anywhere of distance, check the forecast and be prepared.
Lately there have been a number of collisions along roadways.
Some are obvious why they happened, relating to speed or other factors.
A OPP officer once told me that unless the earth opens up and swallows your vehicle, it isn’t an “accident” it’s a “collision.”
Ever since it’s been something I’ve believed in.
But there has to be a prevention on the part of others as well.
I’m speaking of municipalities.
Over the past month there has been two times where Elgin Street East at Workman Road has been the area of a number of collisions.
On January 8, 2019 a Port Hope police officer was traveling north of Workman Road when she lost control on the slippery roads and entered the ditch on the north side of Elgin Street East..
A responding fire truck slid on its side into a ditch, a Cobourg Police cruiser also partially went into the ditch along with several other cars.
Plows can only do so much. If it’s constantly snowing, it’s just impossible to keep the roads clear.
The area of Workman Road and Elgin Street East has been the site of numerous collisions over the years.
In 1997 the area changed from Hamilton Township to Cobourg when the boundary was adjusted.
Since then what has Cobourg done to prevent or minimize injury in this area?
It appears nothing.
On January 29, 2019 a SUV was going north on Workman Road when it slid across the road and ended up going over the bridge, landing on its side in a small, frozen creek.
The elderly driver was trapped and was rescued by members of the Cobourg Fire Department.
He was extricated from the vehicle and taken to hospital with what are believed to be minor injuries.
Several years ago I was also at a collision where the vehicle went over the bridge and into the creek. Going by memory at that time it wasn’t during the winter, but a heavy rain.
It goes without saying there have been others.
In short. The area, the intersection is a liability waiting to happen for Cobourg.
They may not be able to prevent the collision because of weather or driver error, but they can certainly try to mitigate injury.
As Cobourg gets busier, the volume of traffic has increased in that area as a way of bypassing downtown.
The town seriously needs to make the area a priority to look into what can be done for the safety of drivers..
A guardrail along Elgin Street extending from the bridge and just east of Workman Road is needed sooner than later.
It’s been approximately 22 years since Cobourg acquired the land. Something needs to be done before a tragedy happens.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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