Local Man Protests Against Federal Government In Cobourg

In Local

A local man took to the streets of Cobourg to protest the current government.
With sign in hand, Todd Noel stood in front of Victoria Hall on December 18,2018.
Noel said he was there to show his support for the yellow vest movement taking place in Europe.
“It’s starting to pop its head up here which I am pleased to see Canadians are starting to stand up and push back against the government we have now.”
“I’m pretty angry about some of the things going on and this is a healthy outlet and gives me a opportunity to talk to people.”
Throughout the course of his protest, Noel admits he was called a couple of “choice names” but he said he was there to talk to people, not to have a shouting match.
“I want to hear what other people have to say. Maybe someone will change my mind. I’m open to it.”
Noel’s main concern is bringing in un-vetted migrants into Canada.
“Charity starts at home.”
“We’ve got our own people to take care of. We’ve got to clean up our own house before we start cleaning up everyone elses.”
“If people have a country that isn’t so great it’s up to them to take to the streets, it’s up to them to change their country.”
“I’m here to do just that in Canada.”
A sign was also posted on the railway overpass on William Street.

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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