Brighton Resident Creates The Poppy Tree

In Community, Local

A Poppy tree came to life on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 thanks to a Brighton resident.
Brighton resident Robin Cooper said every year there is always a controversy about Christmas decorating before November 11 (Remembrance day) and is it respectful or is it disrespecting our veterans.
Cooper who comes from a military family dating back to World War 1 said she would never want to intentionally disrespect any veteran or serving member of the military.
“In my family it wasn’t disrespectful, because they fought for our freedom and to have the choice to decorate our house whenever we want at whatever date we want.”
What did make military members of her family happy was seeing something that brought people joy.
This year again, the conversation once again came up, and Cooper decided to take it to another level by going out in her community and talking to veterans that she didn’t know and asked what they thought about Christmas decorating before November 11.
“I truly wanted their input on it because I never thought it was disrespectful.”
“None said it was disrespectful.”
The thought stuck with her as she knew she wasn’t offending anyone, but she still didn’t know what to do.
“How can I incorporate the Christmas season and remember the veterans all at once?”
As she was decorating her Christmas tree inside her home, her partner, York Bell-Smith asked if she could put a few poppy’s on the tree until November 12?
From that, she told Today’s Northumberland she had a “vision.”
“I said you have a phenomenal idea.”
“I didn’t sleep at all that night because I knew what I was going to do for the outside theme.”
The next day Cooper went to both local legions in Brighton and Colborne and asked for 200 poppies. Legion members asked if it was for children at school and Cooper told them her vision about having a poppy tree outside her home.
“One of the veteran’s took his hand, looked me dead in the eye with a smile on his face, and reached his hand into the poppy box and grabbed at least 100 more and said “here you go, I don’t want you to run out of poppies.”
Cooper went home and worked for six hours in the rain and wind creating her Poppy tree in front of her house along with other poppy decorations.
“It’s exactly what I wanted it to be.”
“My outside decorations are Christmas, but all in poppies and in remembrance of veteran’s.”
“And for anyone who has ever fought for my freedom, I did it with love.”

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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