Reader Concerned For Cobourg Police, Their Families and Citizens of Cobourg

In Editor Choice, Letter to Editor

This e-mail was also addressed to MPP David Piccini and MP Kim Rudd


To All Concerned:

This letter is in response to the recent newspaper articles regarding the Cobourg Police Service and the grave safety concerns expressed by both officers and citizens.

As a person who personally knows members of the service, I have real concerns for these members, their families and the citizens of the Town of Cobourg.  I am witnessing the personal burn out of officers by working on shifts where coverage is less than what is required.  Although scheduling may require a compliment of 2, 3 or more officers, there have been shifts where only one officer has been actually working on the shift due to call-ins, other scheduled leaves etc. You can only stretch people so far, they are human.

I’ve heard of instances where there have been more than one high priority call in close proximity to dispatch where the officers have not been able to respond in good time or at all due to staff shortages.  There have been times when a single officer has been at a low priority call, and a more serious call needed attendance by the same officer because there isn’t enough staff on shift.  Call after call after call, complaining (rightly so) public, and officer burnout, unsafe working conditions for the officers and the citizens seem to be the new norm. This has been going on for a long time – enough!

It is my understanding that the officers have filed grievances regarding shift scheduling, among other concerns, of which, the grievances are not taken seriously by management.  Also, that many concerns do not get raised as there is a fear of reprisal among the members. How frustrating must that be? This is why I write to you – it seems the more official processes are failing.

Perhaps the Community Engagement Response Team (C.E.R.T.), all qualified officers, who typically work day shift, should be disbanded to support the officer shortage that is currently being experienced.  Also my understanding that a new ‘tactical response type unit’ is in the process of being created that will further contribute to platoon shortages. As another news article already mentioned, possibly a small service cannot support all these internal units, although good ideas, not during these times anyway.

We have all heard more recently about mental health issues with first responders and 3 recent suicides within the Ontario Provincial Police, which has recently overhauled their mental support program. BRAVO!

I am quite distressed about the officers’ well-being, as more officers go off on leave, and the morale gets lower, officer safety, as well as the public safety, is at an increased risk and will continue to be at risk unless something dramatic changes.  Will something need to happen before Chief Lui takes action, by then, will it be too late?

It is time to listen to the concerns of the Cobourg Police Officers and understand that their mental health concerns are valid and need to be addressed with empathy and compassion so that officers can heal and return to work with proper supports in place.  If the Chief is not going to take action, then the Police Services Board needs to initiate discussions with the officers directly because it seems the concerns being raised are not going above the Chief.



The Cobourg Police Services Board (CPSB) is the civilian body that governs the management of the Police Service. As mandated by the Ontario Police Services Act, the CPSB consists of five members, two appointed by the Province of Ontario and three chosen by Regional Council.

The Board ensures the delivery of adequate and effective policing by appointing members to the Service, working with the Chief in identifying objectives and priorities and by creating policies for everyone to follow. The Board may give orders or directions, but only to the Chief and not to any other member of the Service.

The Board is not allowed to direct the Chief with respect to specific operational decisions or with respect to the day-to-day operation of the Service.


Sign me,

Very concerned about our amazing officers!

Pete Fisher
Author: Pete Fisher

Has been a photojournalist for over 30-years and have been honoured to win numerous awards for photography and writing over the years. Best selling author for the book Highway of Heroes - True Patriot Love

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